
Chapter 45 - 45. To Wave Country

Shiroken somehow got her to calm down. She seemed too shocked and excited at the same time.

"Now I know why you are so confident about this. As long as you are the central figure to govern all the nations, they won\'t be able to declare war on each other." Mei deduced. ​​

"Hah, took you long enough to realise. My master is the best..." Tenken butted in.

"You won\'t be free anytime soon, Tenken. No matter how much you try to flatter me." Shiroken shut his sword up.

"You should keep quiet about all these things. I only told you this because you are now the Mizukage. Remember, as long as you don\'t try to make me your enemy, you will only receive good luck and benefits from me." He advised Mei.

The Water country as a whole was not hard to control, the only problematic thing was the shinobi village Kirigakure and the Daimyo. Shiroken had already received the news from his clone in the Daimyo castle that the Daimyo once tried to run away, but he was caught quickly. Now, he was being made to sign every paper his clone made him to.

In an instant, the lavish lifestyle of the Daimyo was reduced to a humble one. He only got some rice, fish and some meat curry in his food. Then, the money was diverted to help all the impoverished villages in the country, to bring them food and other necessary services, like a doctor.

"I will now be going to your ninja scroll storehouse to see if something valuable is there. You can continue your work, and ignore that I am even here." Shiroken said and left Mei to her job. If she did well, it was good for her, if not, then there would be another election…

Soon, Shiroken entered the secure underground storehouse where all the secret and advanced ninja technique scrolls of Kirigakure were stored. He did not bring Shisui in as technically he had not stopped being a Konoha Shinobi yet.

Shiroken entered there to see all the scrolls that were related to spirituality or Natural Energy.

Most shinobi didn\'t even know about Natural Energy, let alone comprehend it, so these were scrolls that were left unused since the formation of the village. So Shiroken looked for the dirtiest corner of the room.

"Such uncultured people, why do they not clean this place?" Shiroken muttered while patting on a few scrolls, dusting them.

He kept on looking, it was mostly filled with water-related jutsu, but soon after he found a single scroll about the nature of Natural Energy, and it didn\'t seem like it was written by any known ninja. In fact, there was no name.

It was also written in an older version of the current written language. He took it to the Mizukage office to ask her about its origins.


"Mei, who wrote this scroll?"

Mei checked it from all sides and found a marking on the wood attached to it, "This... is very old. From even before the village was founded. I don\'t think this clan exists anymore. It only has some theoretical knowledge that\'s why nobody ever tried to check it."

He hummed in acknowledgement and started reading it. It was purely some theoretical predictions of someone, about Natural Energy. But, whoever wrote it was surely not a Senjutsu user.

Shiroken started reading it silently, "Just like us Shinobi have chakra in our body, the whole world also runs on certain energy that we can not see, but feel. Often, when you are in a desert or a battlefield, you feel a little light and not very fresh. But, when you are in a jungle, you feel heavy and fresh. This had to be because of this energy that runs in the veins of the world. To confirm my doubts, I decided to do a test.

I tried to seal the energy of the jungle in a scroll and release it in the desert not too far away. I did it continuously. People called me mad, my wife even left me… But I needed to prove I was right.

... I did this for 40 years of my life. Then, finally, I saw the results. IT GREW UP! Plants started growing in the patch of desert land I was supplying energy. All of them look so healthy.

...In 5 years, this small patch of land has now turned into an Oasis. This proves my hypothesis, energy of nature is real, and it can be transferred from one place to another. I was able to create a small jungle in a desert, this means a dying tree can also be revived with this energy. Only the sky is the limit if one starts understanding this.

...I am too old now, I wish I had time to practice and learn to control this. But, I will leave this inheritance to my future generations.

...Ah, some shinobi have come to force me out of my oasis, they are threatening me to tell them how I made this. I will not let this information fall into such people\'s hands. I am running to the east now, to the land across the sea.

...I was able to reach the new land, but the stupid people here don\'t understand the energy of nature. I am afraid, I will die now, with nobody learning this amazing knowledge…"

Shiroken sighed, ~So this was a diary, and this man had too much free time. What a poor end to such a legendary discovery. Ah, thank you nameless one, for giving me the solution to my problems that would arise when I take over Wind Country~

"Was it helpful?" Mei asked him.

He shrugged, "Can\'t say right now. I will have to test these theories. I will be staying in the village, contact me in case of any trouble."


Shiroken stayed in the village for a good amount of time. He had to if he wanted to make the progress permanent. Because he knew that it only takes one small spark to create a mess.

The village police were given a new set of rules now. Now, if any village official is caught taking bribes, he will be fined 100 times that amount. The same went for beating someone. So, the police had to work very carefully now. This in return created a good image of them.

Before, no citizen would report anything bad happening around them. Now, they would always try to help the police since many awards and rewards were there for the best-behaved citizen of the month titles.

People were incentivised to do good and punished for doing bad. Slowly it brought a change for the best. The village was also made to have a makeover.

Shiroken had found out that Minoshiki had arrived at this place when he landed on Earth. But, he abruptly left after a while. The place where he had fallen from the sky was now a small pond in the village.

Shiroken started the plan to grow beautiful flowers from there, spreading everywhere in the village. At least, this would change the image of a village covered in mist, vines and sorrow.

The Water Country as a whole also slowly returned to the track of progress and the people were pretty happy with Shiroken, who was known as the Daimyo\'s adviser for now.

When he felt he could safely leave the village, he started to make plans. "Isobu, I want to try something. I may be able to get you out of that girl\'s body without killing her."

Isobu sounded very happy, "Really? Finally, I can\'t wait to once again swim in the water and feel the fresh waves."

"I wonder what Saiken dreams of doing when he gets out?" Shiroken wondered.

Holding a chuckle, Isobu replied, "Most likely milking some cows and baking cakes with his tiny hands."

Shiroken imagined the scene and it made him miss the old days so much. When life was simple and all he had to worry about was food and naps.

"Let\'s go, and get Saiken free now." He decided.

So he packed a lot of dumplings and took a boat to head to the country of waves. Shisui, Haku and Zabuza were coming with him.

"If you ever decide to come to Water Country again, do meet me..." Mei shouted from the shore as their boat left.

Shiroken didn\'t know if she was shouting for him or Shisui.

Or maybe both…



"Be quick Naruto, we have a long journey ahead. We have to catch cats for today\'s mission." Kakashi nudged the blonde boy with whiskers sitting to his right.

"Huh, why are we even eating at such a dirty place," Another boy, with black spiky hair and a monotonous expression, scoffed.

"Come on, this is the best place to eat ramen in the whole village, let me eat in peace. And you shut up Sasuke, don\'t call Ichiraku Ramen dirty. I\'ve been eating here since I was small and never have gotten sick." Naruto barked at Sasuke.

"All right, don\'t fight now. Finish eating." Kakashi sighed and ate his own share.

"*SLURP* AH! Thanks, old man. LET\'S GO TO OUR MISSION!" Naruto screamed cheerfully and left his seat.


Sakura caught his collar and dragged him back to the seat, "Pay for your meal, we will not do it for you."

"Yes, a good ninja never freeloads," Kakashi quoted while nodding his head and eating a few dumplings.

"Sakura-chan, I don\'t need to pay. Ichiraku Ramen is free for me for the rest of my life." Naruto revealed.

"And lying is also a bad thing to do for a ninja," Kakashi added from the side.

"Just ask the old man, Kakashi sensei, I never lie." Naruto proclaimed. Though everyone knew he was lying that he never lied.

Seeing the ruckus, Teuchi spoke up, "Naruto is right, he does not have to pay, someone else has done it for him since a long time ago. But soon he will have to, as he starts making money."

Naruto\'s shoulder fell and he started drawing circles on the ground, "Umm... can\'t I just stay unemployed then?"

"Hahaha... Then how will you become the Hokage?" Teuchi asked.

Just a mention of the Hokage title had him cheering, "YES! If I become Hokage, I will have enough money. LET\'S GOOO..."

"WAIT! Who paid for your food?" Sakura asked in interest.

Naruto started poking his nose and tried to remember, "Umm... I don\'t remember the name, he was a tall man with white hair. He was shirtless that rainy night."


Kakashi\'s wallet slipped down his hand as if he was in shock. "WHAT?"

He dashed to Naruto and held him by his shoulders and looked him in the eye with a very serious face. Naruto also gulped seeing him like this.

"NARUTO! You can tell me anything, I am your sensei. Tell me, what did that shirtless man make you do in return for this favour?" Kakashi asked him, shaking him by the shoulders.


"What are you saying, sensei? What fav... oh..."

Slowly Naruto realised what kind of favour was being talked about here. His manhood was being questioned here in a very damaging way.


Naruto angrily threw Kakashi\'s arms away from over his shoulder. Then he raged, "NO! HOW DARE YOU! Y-You... NO! He just gave me ramen to eat."

"And? did you feel sleepy after eating it? Did you feel any pain after waking up?" Kakashi inquired further.

"AAAAA!... He was a good old grandpa. I\'m going." Naruto ran away to the village gates.


[You can see Naruto on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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