
Chapter 79 Time With Long Xu In

In the morning, Bai Chen left his house at 8.30 a.m., after helping his parents set up the Chinese steamed bun shop.

Even though today was a school day, he had already decided not to go.

He walked out to the entrance of Xing Seng Business District in no time.

But as soon as he arrived, he saw two men in police uniforms asking questions of people who were coming and going.

If he had to guess, he would say that the questioning by the two policemen certainly had something to do with the case of Ma Jong and his people’s death, including Hu Tong who had been killed earlier.

Both policemen glanced at Bai Chen for a second.

Once they saw that he was only an 18-year-old boy, they looked away.

Clearly, they were not targeting young people, only middle-aged people and older. That was because that might give them a clue about the culprit.

Bai Chen walked past them without a care. Those policemen could look everywhere for clues and still not know that it was him who had killed Ma Jong and his people—unless they woke them up to ask!

He walked towards a corner that was not too far from the Xing Seng Business District’s entrance and waited.

He waited less than ten minutes when the familiar BMW drove in and parked in front of him. The window was rolled down, showing Long Xu In’s beautiful face.

She looked at him before saying, “Hop in.”

It was clear that she was still behaving the same way as before as if the conversation with Xu Xue Ning never happened.

However, the way she looked at him was vastly different from before. She no longer thought he was romantically pursuing her.

Because whenever she was with him, he had never shown signs that he was flirting with her.

Long Xu In blushed. She felt embarrassed of herself because she had been imagining things on her own.

It was not strange for her to now think that he was not pursuing her because of the magic glasses he gave her, the magic power he said he had, and also what Xu Xue Ning had told her. That he was not an ordinary person, that even the two big families of Beijing like her Long family and Xu Xue Ning’s Xu family could not do anything to him.

There was also one more thing, which was when Xu Xue Ning had told her that his appearance that she saw now might not be his real self.

Long Xu In had found that the more she knew Bai Chen, the more mysterious he appeared.

But even so, she did not have any thoughts of distancing herself from him or of not being friends with him. It was the opposite. She wanted to know him better. She wanted to know how many secrets he was hiding.

Bai Chen hurriedly got into the car as he was told, and the car was driven away shortly after. The destination was Xing Yuan Department Store, the biggest department store in Xing Zhou City.

It took them around half an hour to reach Xing Yuan Department Store due to the rather great distance.

After parking the car in the department store’s lowest level, Bai Chen and Long Xu In went up to the third floor, because that was where phones, computers, and other electronic appliances were sold. Thus, them going up to this floor could not be helped.

“Which brand of mobile phone do you want?” Long Xu In asked while they walked towards the mobile phone section.

Today, she was wearing ordinary clothes, just like Bai Chen’s. She wore a pair of skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a black jacket over it.

The way she dressed made it so that when they walked together, she and Bai Chen appeared to be a perfect couple.

But in the eyes of people who were in various spots or walking past them in Xing Yuan Department Store, Bai Chen still did not deserve Long Xu In.

Though he may have been slightly handsome, Long Xu In’s beauty made it so he really did not appear to suit her.

Her long brown hair was still up in a ponytail today, moving from side to side when she walked.

Bai Chen who was walking behind her did not hear the question, because his eyes were focused on the waving ponytail and her long, beautiful fair neck.

The light scent of her fragrance reached his nose. With that added to what he was seeing in front of him, he was completely distracted.

“Are you listening?” Long Xu In had to stop walking and turn to look at Bai Chen when he did not answer her question.

As if waking up from a dream, Bai Chen stopped walking and looked at her face. “What is it?” he couldn’t help but ask.

“So, you were not listening to me then.” Long Xu In let out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. I asked which kind of phone and which brand you want.”

Bai Chen stood thinking for a while before answering. “Any brand that I can make a call with will do. And a cheap one would be great.”

It was obvious from his answer that he felt slightly like he was putting her in a lot of trouble, and that he did not want Long Xu In to spend a lot of money on buying a single phone. Because for him, just a phone that he could make a call with was enough.

Long Xu In was quite surprised by his words. She did not think that someone like Bai Chen would want a cheap phone.

But thinking back on how he was living a normal, everyday person’s life, she began to understand.

However, for her to buy a cheap phone for him was impossible, because for someone of her status to buy a cheap phone was out of the question.

“I will choose for you then, okay?” She thought for a bit before asking him.


Bai Chen had no problem with that since he seemed to think that she was buying him a cheap phone, just like he wanted.

End of Chapter 79

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