
Chapter 20 - Dragon

By the time Aleyria teleported back, the Palace and the surrounding area was completely destroyed. The triplets were under no compulsion to preserve the area and had unleashed their most powerful area of effect spells.

A massive earthquake and a firestorm – no, two firestorms, had ravaged the area.

Two White Firemages and a White Earthmage. Someone really wanted us dead, Aleyria thought grimly.

The Rin-Turah Archmages were completely suppressed and had to be on the defensive. They had hunkered down behind all sorts of elemental shields and tried to survive the magical onslaught. It was a flimsy defense against white grade attacks.

The only reason they were still alive was because of Dubaza.

He had launched lightning bolt after lightning bolt, each powerful enough to destroy a yellow grade shield in a single hit. Those lightning bolts had slowed the triplets down. Not by much, but enough to buy them a little bit of time.

It was enough.

Aleyria pointed at an area near the triplets and unleashed her space magic.

A loud \'RIPPPP\' sounded and a large dimensional portal was forcefully opened. Aleyria released more space magic, but this time infused with ice magic. Immediately a fearsome roar of anger could be heard from the portal.

"WHO DARES SUMMON ME!" A deep, guttoral roar sounded. "RELEASE ME AT ONCE!!"

Aleyria quickly imposed her will on the Ice Elemental and sent it roaring angrily towards the triplets.


A giant wolf 10 meters tall and 20 meters long leapt out in an eye-popping display of agility and slashed down at the Amelia who was nearest to the portal.

Amelia screamed in shock as she casted her strongest defensive spell. A white sphere glowed into existance around her. Near her, Theodora raised up massive pillars to block the wolf slash. Elsewhere, Irene sent a huge fireball at the Ice Elemental.

But it was all for naught.

The icy wolf paw smashed into the pillars and obliterated them completely. It ignored the fireball which exploded harmlessly on its body as its paw continued its descent into Amelia\'s white defensive sphere. The white sphere rippled wildly for a brief moment before exploding into pieces. A gruesome squelch sounded and Amelia was no more.

"Ameliaa!!" Irene shrieked. She ignored Dubaza for a moment and sent a massive wave of fire hurtling towards the Ice Elemental. It howled savagely as it resisted the flames.

It\'s body began to melt slightly under Irene\'s powerful attack.

CRASH!! A horrifying lightning bolt smashed into Irene\'s defensive sphere and destroyed it.

Dubaza had struck once more.

An Ice Spear flew blindingly fast towards Irene, but was blocked by yet another Earthen Pillar from Theodora.

However, all of a sudden, Theodora\'s golems and pillars collapsed. Irene glanced at Theodora and despaired. Theodora was standing still.

Too still.

Caught unprepared, Aleyria had successfully caster her Spatial Prison around her. If Theodora was vigilant, she would have no problems resisting the Spatial Prison with her own magical power. But alas, she was too busy saving Irene to notice that the space around her was rippling slightly before rapidly solidifying.

It was over. They had lost this round.

With one final scream of frustration, Irene crushed a magical talisman and disappeared, leaving behind a stunned King Dirz\'On of Zan, a few space ripples and a scene of devastation.

Thankfully, there were no casualties.

Aleyria glared at King Dirz\'On who was standing near the charred remains of his two body guards. A red glow shimmered around him. Apparently the White Robes had orders to preserve his life.

He must be quite valuable then, she thought.

Aleyria hesitated for a moment before freezing him as well in a Spatial Prison.

They would extract all the information they could get out of him before allowing him to die.

Him, Theodora and Velanos, Aleyria thought darkly.

"Imprison King Dirz\'On and Theodora with Velanos. We will interrogate them soon." Aleyria instructed the Blue Robe Squad Captain. He nodded and quickly went to work.


Alexander sat on the throne quietly. He was meditating and at the same time, trying to urge his body to quickly absorb the verdant energy which Aleyria had injected into his body. It seemed to work very well indeed because he could feel his internal injuries quickly healing.

"In addition to tripling your strength and reflexes, the Bronze level of the power of Perses also gives heightened regeneration." Buccephalas said. "It\'s not much compared to proper healing magic, but it is pretty handy to have."

"I\'ll take any advantage, any form of strength I can get." Alexander said softly. He opened his status page.

Name : Aloxandros Arcanus

Age : 25

Arcane Power : Black Archmage (Strength of 20 Earthling Men)

Martial Power : 3

Technological Power : Nil

Psychic Power : Nil

Condition : Healthy

AI note : Bronze General – God of War

"Apparently the powers of this world are starting to notice Rin-Turah. And after today, they would certainly be very much aware of our strength – Aleyria\'s strength, to be precise."

Alexander clenched his fist. "I need to get stronger! Much stronger!! Buccephalas is there any way for me to grow very strong very quickly?"

Buccephalas remained silent.

After a moment, she said, "Yes there is."

"Tell me!" Alexander commanded.

"It is very dangerous, and the chances of you succeeding is extremely low. If you fail, you\'ll die." Buccephalas said slowly.

Alexander laughed. "Conquering the world is very dangerous, and for many people, the chances of them succeeding is extremely low. And if they fail, they die. Yet I still did it."

"Almost did it. Technically, you haven\'t" Buccephalas corrected him.

"Stop nitpicking at small and useless details." Alexander grumbled. "Hurry up and tell me how to get stronger!"

"You know that if you die, I\'ll probably die along with you right? It feels like I\'m deeply connected to your soul somehow." Buccephalas said with a slight tinge of worry.

"I understand." Alexander replied. "I will take very good care of myself, and if it seems impossible, I will withdraw with my life intact. Don\'t worry, I plan to live a long life. I won\'t die so quickly. My story here has only just begun, you know"

"Alright then. I\'ll take this chance with you." Buccephalas relented. The fastest way to get really strong is..." Buccephalas paused for dramatic effect.

"Is...?" Alexander obediently played along.

"Is to tame a dragon." Buccephalas finished.

"What?! TAME A DRAGON?!" Alexander exploded.

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