
Chapter 407

I continued hunting since I needed the crystal for Rishi and I didn\'t really know what I could do in Ark. I was bad with politics and felt it will be better if I don\'t engage too much with any governments or agencies.

I really wanted to gout outside, though, legally. Since I never traveled much, I wanted to see the world. I didn\'t have any money, but I was sure there will be opportunities to earn some.

I spent eight days searching for ghosts, making it bast the city walls on the third. It was all pointless since I didn\'t find even a single one. On the ninth things changed. I sneaked upon a roaming ghost and engaged in a fight with him. I had an opportunity to take him down from afar with a spell, but since I had my weapon now, I kinda wanted to see the difference.

I massacred him since he was a weak one, not to mention I got stronger. The fight made a lot of ruckuses, and after returning to the spot on next day, I quickly encountered another ghost. This led me to spend few more days there and killing a total of four. One of the crystals, from the weakest enemy, I saved for Rishi, but the rest got sold.

I earned 311 555 513 000 regular points and 6 567 class ones.

I spend the first points on buying \'Barrier Grandmaster\' class, which gave me access to the following skills: \'Create barrier IV\', \'Mana IV\', \'Barrier strengthening IV\', \'Berrier breaking IV\', \'Sealing IV\', \'Seal strengthening IV\', \'Advanced barrier manipulation III\', \'Advanced seal manipulation III\', \'Barrier combining II\', \'Seal combining\', \'Overcharging barriers\'.

\'Overcharging barriers\' allowed me to make mana flow in a way that was overcharging it in any given barrier. The effect was minimal but made my barriers growing in strength with time.

\'Seal combining\' was the same as barrier combining, but I could put multiple ones, and they could work together to have a better effect than just a single one would.

I upgraded every skill to the sixth level.

Then I went with a class that I overlooked for a while now, but witnessing what Alice did with Razzle, made me curious about what I could do with Tam.

I bought the class, which gave me access to the following skills: \'Summoning II\', \'Mana II\', \'Binding circle II\', \'Contract II\', \'Summon enhancement\'.

\'Summon enhancement\' allowed me to share an amount of mana with any of my contracted summons, which was making them stronger, but also decreasing my mana pool of the shared amount.

This probably was the effect that turned Razzle from a cat into a black panther.

I upgraded the class fully, which unlocked the third tier for me, a \'True summoner\'. I bought it immediately, which gave me access to the following skills: \'True summoning\', \'Mana III\', \'Binding circle III\', \'Contract III\', \'Summon enhancement II\', \'Skill sharing\'.

\'True summoning\' abled me to really summon a creature, not a puppet.

\'Skill sharing\' allowed me to share a few, depending on its level, skills of my own with my summon.

An image of a completely black, smoking chicken who can shadow walk around and is causing terror immediately popped into my head.

- I need to put it on my priority list - I mumbled to myself.

I upgraded all of the skills to the sixth level.

Then I did something I didn\'t for a while now, upgraded my basic abilities, and by that I mean strength. I bought 20 000 upgrades for 3 000 050 000 points. I did it in a rush, and quickly regretted that, since it knocked me down, and the whole world turned white. It hurt, a lot. I lost consciousness soon after.

When I woke up, I felt stronger though. As a matter of fact, I felt so strong, that I had to spend quite a moment on upgrading my seal to contain this power because it was simply too much.

I took a little break after to eat something, and then went back to upgrading since I had plenty of points to use. I finished the \'Prince of shadows\' class, unlocking \'King of shadow\', but since this one was 10 000, I couldn\'t buy it, even if I really wanted to.

My shadow army was really a cool thing, and I wanted it to grow.

I also finished the \'Overcharger\', unlocking \'Master Overcharger\'.

After a long reflection, I decided to stop with that since I was so close to having enough points for \'King of shadows\'. I really wanted to know what numbers I can reach with it, since after the recent upgrades the number of shadows I could summon and control, passed over half a million.

With an army like that, I could probably take on the whole city of Ark.

I felt proud of myself, and to celebrate it, I ate some more junk food, had a shower, and went writing. Then I did some planning for the next day. I needed to figure out how was the situation with India, and also deliver Rishi what I owed him.

For a moment I focused on how his reaction will look like when she sells the crystal. This made a smile crawl on my face.

I also wanted to reunite with Tam, since I left him with Aisha for so long now. I had some presents for him, which also made me feel happy.

I also needed to catch Ki\'rai and talk with her, since she probably was still angry with me. I needed to apologize to her. I really wanted her to meet my mum, and introduce me to her new family of lizards.

Busy days were ahead of me, although I really didn\'t know how busy it would soon become. Not only for me but for every hunter in the city.

Another day in Loistavadvaar came to an end with 382 046 380 060 regular points and 6 315 class ones.

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