
Chapter 893 T.D.O.N.B: The Path To Victory

The next couple of days were very quiet like we all were afraid to address what happened because it could bring more bad news.

I was split between Arc and the new city my family was in. Obviously, I pretended to the best of my ability that nothing was happening. Meanwhile, Will was busy picking crystals in the wastelands. Druoag stayed in Loistavadvaar with the rest of the aliens, waiting for The Great One to pick them up.

Somehow time flew like a jet.

Even with our weird approach, there wasn\'t much we could do to prevent more bad news from coming our way. It happened around two weeks later when Will already returned from his trip to Aaraam\'soturi.

The Great One summoned us once again. We all met in Loistavadvaar like we usually did. The aliens were already gone by that time.

- Hope is monitoring our enemies. He will provide us with a map, so we will know exactly where to go - he said as soon as we all were around, me, Will, and Druoag.

Although his focus was very much concentrated on one of us. Me. It would normally probably make me have a different approach, at least slightly, but the new skills caused that I didn\'t really care.

- How long do we have? - I asked straight away.

- Week at minimum, but probably at least two more. Then we should start the real preparations - he replied. - I\'m already preparing the imperial army. It will take some time, since it\'s spread around the whole empire, and we will need every soldier we can get.

- We should contact our people out there - Will pointed out.

- You and I can handle that - The Great One said. - Peter should prepare for his own mission.

- I\'ll wait until we know exactly what to do, then I make sure I\'m ready. I have plenty of points to spend on the upgrades, but I would like to be sure those are the right upgrades - I told them.

- Then I\'ll prepare the army we have for the battle - Druoag stated.

This basically concluded the meeting. We all went our separate ways to work on things we already mentioned. Well... They did. I didn\'t really have anything to do except wait for more information.

To fast things forward, we met again in a bigger group, including Nil, Ki\'rai, and many others. Everybody seemed stronger just by a glance, but since the matter was so serious, they all were focusing on the fake queen Ixa instead of other things.

The Great One started by extending his hand, and the dust got picked off the ground by his telekinetic powers. It formed this weird map of planets connected to one another by lines. Some were bigger, others smaller, but I noticed a pattern there. Those are clearly put mostly in the middle and connected with lines to similarly placed planets, were of a substantially larger size, which clearly showcased that the map was not really mimicking the physical reality, but rather showing us the strategically important places, so we could have a better understanding of the upcoming battleground.

The whole thing was built of a few maps like that, placed in different positions and with different angles, showing that this empire was spread across many worlds.

- This is the map of one of the five main regions. The one closest to us - The Great One explained.

- This is massive - Hatta pointed out, crossing his hands on his chest. - And you say we have four more of those?

- The other regions are actually bigger - fake queen Ixa pointed out. - This is the newest one, as we managed to find out thanks to Hope\'s involvement. The lines connect the main hubs of transportation. The biggest planet here is our goal. If we can get there, the whole region collapses. If we achieve this without significant losses, we have a chance to win.

- And how exactly are you planning to achieve that? - Hailwic asked.

One glance at her face told me that she was really concerned. Martin, even bigger than I remembered him to be, was right next to her with a stern face, but he didn\'t say a thing, just observed the map.

- The closest route to get to the center planet would be through this connection - The Great One pointed with his finger, making the spot, he was speaking about, expand. - They use a system of portals built on the orbits of the planets. We should use this system, because it will be the fastest way in, and we also won\'t lose direction.

As he was saying that, his eyes focused on me.

- The army needs to distract them well enough so that a very small group, or even a single person, can attack this route - he continued. - That group should consume the fruits alongside the route to create more chaos in enemy ranks because otherwise, we might have a problem with large casualties. If the army lures the enemy forces first, the path should be relatively unprotected. So a strong force could push through very, very quickly.

- How big of a group we are talking about? - Will asked.

- It could be even a hundred people - The Great One responded immediately. - The only important thing is the speed. You should also pick the best of the best. Anything below this standard will be a weak point.

- This map s too complicated. Even if we can make a group like that, and cut our way through, how the hell will we remember there to go five planets in? - I asked.

- I have a special device that will guide you prepared. Hope will be there to provide his assistance, so you won\'t get lost. Right now you should all discuss who is going to go. My army is still far from being ready, so you have time to get prepared, but you shouldn\'t waste even an hour - The Great One said.

I scanned through the people who were there with me, and they all did the same. Most stopped at least for a few seconds just staring at me. It was obvious that I was the one who will have to make the decision.

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