
Chapter 147 - 147 News from Home

When the bond went silent Harth had to deny the part of herself that wanted to fall into fear. She’d always been alone in her heart until this new life appeared. She’d never feared that specifically before. It was silly to allow herself to do so now.

But that sinking dread she’d felt in the moment when Tarkyn had disappeared from her head and stopped responding didn’t want to leave her alone. It weighed on her chest and made breathing more difficult.

“This is stupid!” she muttered at herself. She’d been outside in the valley collecting wood and bathing, most of her focus going to Tarkyn and their tests. But now she returned to the cave—marveling that being in the enclosed space somehow felt more safe… but it was because it smelled of him.

She’d sweep and tidy and make the place immaculate—though it almost was already. Then when he returned he wouldn’t be distracted by the need for tasks.

She smiled as that image he’d sent of himself galloping into the cave and leaping on her bed looped in her head and her stomach trilled.

Harth still couldn’t believe how clear the link was over such distance. She didn’t know exactly where her mate was, but it was at least three hours away—by his long, loping strides and strength. Probably further for her. So they were beyond even the distance between the village and The City back in Thana, a distance she knew many wolves couldn’t reach through the link.

What was it about their bond that was so different?

More and more she suspected that their bonds had somehow… mingled. That they were tied together by elements of both.


Did that mean they enjoyed two bonds? That might explain the stronger link. Or was it simply a different bond?

She couldn’t communicate with him in his beast form, which was disconcerting. At least, not at this distance. Would she be able to when he was close?

When he stopped to check in, she’d tell him to try as he drew closer.

Nodding to herself as she walked into the cave, Harth picked up the broom and began to sweep the damp stone floor.

The spray from the waterfall at its entrance made the air in the cave slightly damp. But Harth loved the place. She prayed that when all of this was settled and they were truly free, they could still visit—

‘Harth? Can you hear me?’

Harth almost dropped the broom. The voice was different to Tarkyn’s, and even though the words were sent with a rush of relief and joy, it was much, much darker.

“Zev?” she gasped, then blinked. ‘Zev? Is that you?’

‘Yes, thank the Creator. We weren’t sure how far away you were. I’ve been sending every few minutes for hours—you have to come, now. Find a way free and return with us to the encampment.’

Harth froze. ‘Return with y—you’re free? You got out?’

‘With some help. I had planned to use the tools from Tarkyn today anyway, but our friends had another plan.’

‘Friends? Which friends?’

A vision came through the link then, Skhal, his rugged eyes alight and fixed on the healer who’d been attending Zev and Zan.

Harth gasped again. ‘Jayah and Skhal?’

‘They’re mates. They already completed the bond.’

Harth was stunned speechless. ‘She helped you?’

‘She helped us get out without having to harm anyone.’

Harth’s blood chilled at the level of threat that ran under those words. For the first time she could remember, Harth felt scared of her Alpha.

She sent an image of herself in submission, letting him know she posed no threat. In the past, though she’d had little contact with Zev personally, she’d always seen him as a strong but gentle soul. But the male that spoke to her through the bond felt… deathly cold.

‘You need to get to the Clans immediately, Harth. We’re traveling the long route to ensure we don’t disturb their patrols. But we’ll be home this evening and I’m calling the Clans to war. You need to come—’

‘What?! Zev! No!’

The snarl that met her sending was immediate and terrifying—but not directed at her.

Images flashed so quickly she almost couldn’t catch one before the next was thrown at her, a bombardment of Anima, the Tree City, the Chimera, Zev bound, Sasha bruised…

‘I am free now, Harth, and I will not be imprisoned again. None of us will be in a cage ever again. I don’t care if we have to kill every last one of these creatures—’

‘Zev, my mate is Anima! Skhal’s mate—’

‘Bring your mate. I will not reject him if he swears peace. He is a good male. A strong male. But he will disavow his people, Harth. The Chimera will not be caged again.’

Her head spun even faster than her racing heart.

‘Zev… please… he’s working to bring peace with the Queen. No one has to fight. They’re… they’re armed and trained and there’s so many more of them—’

‘And I know how to hunt,’ Zev snarled. ‘These creatures are sight-blind. So sure of themselves they leave trails and disregard risk. I don’t care if we pick them off one by one. I don’t care if it takes a year. This land was given to us by the Creator and we will take it.’


‘Do you know the way to the encampment? Can you find it again from where you are?’

‘Yes, but—’

‘Then get there, Harth. You’ve got two days. Three at most.’

‘But Zev… peace… we could all live in pea—’

‘Never!’ The image he sent—himself in his wolf form, leaping at her, teeth bared and lips peeled back in a silent snarl—was so vivid, she physically leaped back, arms up to protect her vulnerable throat.

The image changed when she shrank back. Zev’s wolf standing before her, his chin down and eyes fixed, chest heaving and lips still revealing his teeth, but he stood still.

‘Choose your side, Harth. I will never be at peace with an Alpha who would treat my mate, my people the way she did. She separated family and bound me. Sound familiar? Enemies of the humans, my ass.’

Harth felt the shudder rock through him before he narrowed the link and her heart ached for him… but her dread was thick and heavy behind it.

‘Come quickly, Harth. I know it’s hard with them watching, but come in the next three days. Because that’s how long it’s going to take us to—’

“Hello?! Tarkyn! Harth?”

Harth startled, instinctively closing the mindlink, rushing towards the entrance to the cave and the top of the path that led to it, peering around the edge of a rock alongside the waterfall to look deep into the valley below where the voice rose again, deep and resonant.

“Harth? Tarkyn? You’re needed. Right now. Things have… developed.”

Harth stopped breathing as the movement beneath the trees coalesced into the massive form of the War Chief, dark and swarthy, his chest shining in the sun.

And he was followed by the smaller, but still intimidating form of his sister.

The fire-haired Queen.


And Elreth.

They were here.

And Tarkyn was nowhere to be seen.


I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS THE END OF 2022! Thank you so much for being here with me this year. It’s been a helluva year, and I don’t think I would have survived it without you. So thank you for not only supporting me financially, but emotionally as well. You’re enthusiasm for my characters gives me joy every day! See you next year!

And don’t forget, ALL the privilege tiers will be completely renewed TOMORROW at 8:30am PACIFIC /11:30 EASTERN (and if you buy the top tier, you’ll also receive a copy of the love-letter written from Zev to Sasha!) So tomorrow you can rebuy privilege for all new material, OR ignore it and still receive daily updates for the month! ENJOY!

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