
Chapter 176 - Mission Booklet

Chapter 176 - Mission Booklet

"Ha! Would you look at him-" Before Guard A could finish his words, his head burst apart.

Like, it literally just burst apart, as if someone has pricked a balloon full of water with a needle. Except that in this case, instead of water, blood and flesh is what fell down.

"W-what the hell!?" Guard B screamed.

Actually, that\'s what I want to ask, Guard B.

I mean what the actual fuck?

"What the fuck, Neia?"

Jesus fucking Christ. Her character development as a psychopath was supposed to be a mere joke.

She wasn\'t supposed to take it literally and actually go down the path to becoming a serial killer.


"Why did you shoot him in the head?"

I was slightly worried about her being afraid of killing actual living people, but she just went and killed someone without even being asked to.


?You asked me… to give a warning shot.?

Boy oh boy.

"A warning shot doesn\'t go the face, Neia."

?Oh…? Neia eked out after realising her mistake.

Bruh. I guess I should prepare a small mission booklet listing common calls and what they actually mean.

The last thing I want is to get into a quarrel with a stupid child and ask Neia to give him a warning shot to scare him off only to witness his head gruesomely explode.

That would be awesome I mean awkward and morally wrong.

Who the fuck shoots children to death? That\'s what barbarian do.

Just lock them in a basement and let them starve to death, like all cultured people do.

Also, isn\'t the term \'Warning Shot\' self-explanatory? Anyone who knows how language works would think \'warning shot\' means a shot that is fired to give a warning.

That\'s precisely why it never goes to the face. After all, who will you give a warning to if the person you wanted to warn is dead?

This is just wow, Neia.


Before I could finish my words, an extremely loud alarm resounded inside the building (at least I wasn\'t shot in the face).

"See?" I said to Neia while looking at the guy who had just pulled the lever beside the gate. "That\'s why you try to intimidate them with the unknown."

In this case, the unknown would have been the warning shots. A few well-placed warning shots could have scared them out of their wits and stop them from pulling the lever.

However, Guard A\'s death overrode Guard B\'s fear with wrath and made him defy me by notifying the entire warehouse that there was an intruder.

I swear to God if anything happens to Lecia, I\'ll put all the blame on Neia.

?I-I\'m sorry…? She meekly replied.

"You do remember what I said the last time you apologised to me, right?"

?Uuu…? She groaned.

The heck?

"I\'m sure you realise that your actions have jeopardised our mission and have possibly put Lecia\'s life in even more danger, right?"


The other side was silent this time.

Seems like the realisation that she just put Lecia\'s life in danger because of a stupid mistake she made hit her harder than Fat Man hit Nagasaki.

"Anyway, for now, kill the other guy as well."


"This isn\'t the time to hesitate. We\'re moving onto plan B. Kill the other guy."

"W-wait!" Guard B shrieked.

"You should have waited before pulling the lever, dumbass."

?O-okay,? Neia replied.

As expected, Guard B\'s head was also blown off and splattered on the door behind him, leaving behind a headless torso which fell down like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

"Now, use the sensors and tell me which floor has the largest number of people."

The ringing of the alarm should signify to the wankers inside that this is an emergency situation.

And in an emergency situation, it\'s human instinct to try to protect things they deem the most precious in that situation.

In this case, Lecia, the hostage, the most valuable asset right now because we\'re here to retrieve her.

She also might potentially be their only way out in case shit hits the fan, so they\'re bound to protect her from the intruders aka us (well, more like they want to prevent her comrades from rescuing her, just like a good kidnapper should).


Now then, should I take out my newest invention aka the small drone which can tase people?

This is a perfect situation to test it. Well, it WAS, at the very least.

I mean, I needed to infiltrate this warehouse without alerting anyone.

Killing them is all well and good but it requires me to personally approach and kill them. Even if I can achieve that, I would still need to kill them in a single blow and in a single instant.

If I miss and hit them such that they won\'t die instantly, they\'ll just scream in pain which will alert everyone.

That\'s where the taser drone comes in. All I need to do is to remotely control it and send it after the guards patrolling the warehouse. The drone will then tase them and knock them out.

The best thing is that it doesn\'t matter where I hit them with the drone; they will always fall unconscious without even getting the chance to scream.

The drone also has an AOE taser attack which can be used to knock out a group of people.

This rescue mission would have been the perfect time to test it because like I said, rescue missions need to be covert; in and out without anyone noticing.

However, the problem is that this mission no longer requires stealth.

Like, every single person in this warehouse knows that there is an intruder.

And I have Neia to thank for that

I had to steel my heart and put Lecia in danger in order to create a situation perfect enough for testing out my new drone, yet Neia had to go ahead and fuck it up just like that.


This is so sed.

F for Lecia. Her sacrifice has been in vain.

?Most of them are on the top floor,? Neia said.

No \'children in the basement\' cliché, I guess.

"Alright, I will head there. Protect me."

?Are you sure you will be alright??

"That depends on you."

?I just don\'t think it\'s a great idea to put your life in my hands… What if I fail??

"Don\'t worry, I have contingency plans."

Aka I\'ll just die because why the fuck not.

?…? She took a deep breath. ?Understood.?

"Let\'s go."

Time to kill some motherfuckers.

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