
Chapter 524 ANNOYING WAY

Chapter 524 ANNOYING WAY

That man had stepped up his game.

Outside the house, Pyro could see there were at least ten motorbikes lined up, waiting in line at the gate of his house. Waiting for their turn to deliver the goods they were ordered to.

They were take outs from a restaurant near their house, which Pyro knew was one of Apple\'s favorite restaurants. There are some dishes that are indeed her favorites and Pyro was willing to bet that the dishes in the boxes behind the seat of their motorbike were all Apple\'s favorites.

But, the problem was; food is very different from flowers. You can keep flowers for a while and at least they can beautify the room and make the room smell good, but those dishes are of course very different.

These dishes will not last long and will smell bad when they start to decompose.

And they couldn\'t possibly put all of the takeouts in the fridge for storage, because it wouldn\'t be enough to fit all the food and therefore they couldn\'t put it outside for a long time.

Pyro felt that this morning he had a migraine.

"Wait here," Apple growled, and then stormed into the house, past Pyro who was still confused by all this.

With just a glance, Pyro could tell that his daughter was very upset over what had happened this morning. Well, he was also very upset…

But, on the other hand, Pyro was intrigued to what extent Jayden would continue this ridiculous act of his just to get Apple to pay a little attention to him and stop ignoring him.

Actually, Pyro thought that what Jayden was doing was not a \'romantic way\' to get Apple\'s attention, but rather an \'annoying way\' to get Apple to pay attention to the man and talk.

And indeed, this one method could be said to be successful, because now Apple has stormed into her room to take her cell phone and call the annoying man.


Jayden had a lot of work to do, apart from his primary mission of getting Apple to contact him because he couldn\'t get any access to contact the girl.

His original plan to go to Pyro\'s house was rejected by the bodyguard. He said that there was a high possibility that Apple would be even more angry and would not want to see him again.

Therefore, Jayden canceled his intention and preferred to wait until the girl contacted him.

However, it would really be a miracle if the girl contacted him voluntarily, so Jayden gave her a \'little\' push to motivate her.

And sure enough, after his first try didn\'t work out, now Jayden changed his strategy and the results could be seen immediately.

Apple contacted him this morning while he was still asleep.

Yes, Jayden had had a long day these past two days because his trial with the Gevano family was going on in the court, and he had to focus on the trial.

"Hello?" Jayden said in a voice that was still a little hoarse, he picked up his cellphone without seeing who was calling because the only people who called him on the cellphone were his family and a few close friends. So that there is no way for anyone from business or formal affairs to contact him through this number.

And the next second what he heard was the voice of the woman he had been waiting for, but not like this and in this condition.

As Apple screamed loudly into his ear, Jayden felt a painful ringing in his ears. He wondered how Apple could scream so loud and so furiously at him.

Jayden even instantly regained his full consciousness. He no longer felt sleepy, because he suddenly felt that he had the energy to start the day alert.

"What do you think you have done!?" Apple exclaimed in a shrill voice and this made Jayden immediately sit up in his bed and stare at the open window, the morning sun wasn\'t even shining too bright now, but he was in trouble.

Yes, the problem Jayden was looking for himself...

"I bought you breakfast," Jayden answered innocently, this time he was back to his easy going nature quickly, as soon as he realized what had happened and what made Apple so annoyed with him.

"Breakfast my a**!" Apple cried again.

"Language please. I like your a**, but that doesn\'t mean you can mention it carelessly while I\'m not there."

And Jayden should have known that his comments had brought new problems for him and made Apple even more upset. And again, maybe that\'s what Jayden wanted. Annoy Apple.

It\'s hard to know how Jayden really thinks.

"Jayden!" Apple cried again. This time she seemed to be at a loss for words to respond to Jayden and didn\'t understand how she could get back at him.

"Yes, my love, I hear you," said Jayden.

Then nothing else was heard. silence. No voice or complaint from Apple or anything.

Because there was no response or reaction from Apple, Jayden looked at his phone screen, he thought Apple had hung up on him again, but the line was still connected, which means Apple is just silent now.

So, Jayden waited for what Apple would say, maybe she needed a moment to calm herself down.

While waiting, Jayden got out of bed and opened his bedroom window wide to let the morning sun shine in the room and when he looked down he could see his mother was in the garden and his father was watching his mother with eyes that to this day make Jayden cringe.

But this was something that always happened whenever they were together and he had seen it hundreds of times throughout his life, only, he was still unfamiliar with how they could pull off such a display of affection everywhere. Ugh!

Jayden would surely get back at them.

"What do you want, Jayden?" Apple finally gave in and this made him smile happily.

"How about lunch?"

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