
Chapter 304

A few kilometers down; the same could not be said. Lit the same with noise and chants. The streets came to life, flyers of which read, ‘-congratulations to the royal family,’ scattered around. Mug in hand, farmers and adventurers alike danced and filled the town square. Musicians took center stage to perform their various pieces. Fast and rhythmic – it filled many with energy and the passion to dance.

“Sure is a treat to have a festival once in a while,” said one of the adventurers.

“I agree,” yelled a woman with short hair, “-princess Lizzie is rumored to have shown promise in the ways of magic. An offspring of our all mighty queen and the protector of Arda – how powerful will she become I wonder,” downing mug after mug, the tavern echoed with cheers and sweats.

“Father,” sat waiting in a lovely white dress with glitters, a pair of laced gloves going up to her shoulder, Eira’s gently combed white hair resembled the bud of a yet to blossom flower. The bedchamber filled with attending maids – all had focused their attention on dressing the queen.

“Am I intruding?” he asked and stepped in.

“Not really,” replied Xula with her hair getting combed, “-have the guests arrived?”


“They’ll be here shortly,” the attention turned to Eira, “-the crown of princess befits you,” he smiled, the silvery-white crown held a massive red-ruby in the front. Worth more than diamonds, messing with royalty’s coffer when it came to jewelry was but a fool’s errand.

“Thank you,” holding her dress, she bowed with a smile.

“Words of gratitude are wasted on me, highness. A refine gemstone such as thee must have fallen from heaven. Do beg my asking, art thou a star or an angel?”

“Stop with the teasing,” pitching his forearm, they laughed. In the corner, a cold stare sent a shiver down his spine.

“Whatever is the matter, my queen?” turned, her eyes were of a reddened color, anger, or frustration.

“Do you wish to partake in the feast looking like that?” she asked for he wore shabby clothes. Ones brought over from the many shopping trips with comrades.

“Queen Shanna is right,” as if a shadow, Rosetta teleported behind, “-Youst has been awaiting thy return for much. Do please not cause unnecessary upset, the poor man has been troubled ever since this morning. He has reached the point of which to step willingly into oblivion.”

“He blames himself for the revolt?” asked Staxius with a stern voice.

“He blames more,” added Rosetta.

“Then I shan’t waste thine time,” nodding his head, “-I shall come to fetch in a moment,” reaching for the door left ajar, a weak push sufficed. Glancing back, Eira and Xula waved simultaneously.

‘They sure are very much happy,’ catching a glimpse, the clock displayed 17:50. ‘TU-03 should be here soon, I’ve already asked Serene to greet the guests on the platform. The event starts at 18:30. I’ve time to shower.’

*tap, tap, tap,* back and forth, the nervous agitation of Youst echoed in a separate room. One used for the king’s personal use. The incident earlier though it brought laughter; was to never happen. Thus, per Xula’s orders, an unused room changed to a closet. Cupboards all around with a circular platform in the middle and a mirror on the wall. Next to said mirror, a glass case with many protection spells – it held his crown and staff. The Dragon-Heart staff adorned with precious stones. The staff, not as tall as those used by mages, about an arm’s length; some could describe it as a walking stick. None the matter to details, tis was a well and good staff. *tap, tap, tap,* and again, anxiety peaked, Youst’s legs moved without him knowing.

*Click,* “Youst?” the door opened and broke the monotonous taps. “Majesty,” stood from a stool, the head-butler rushed to kneel at his feet, “-what I’ve done earlier the day can’t be forgiven. I ask to have mercy and deliver a painless death; having doubts about our monarch is a sin a servant cannot atone in life.”

‘Impressive,’ ignoring the groveling, ‘-light colors,’ he scanned with utmost focus, ‘-my crown and the outfit I am to wear,’ stood a step away from the podium – a white and gold outfit. One twice as elegant and overly obnoxious – the court tailor spared no expense.

“Majesty?” forehead locked to the cold-floor, “-have you chosen my punishment?” he asked.

“Youst, after you’ve basked in the spotless floor’s pleasures, could you assist in dressing me, the attire vexes me, I’ve no idea on where my head should go or where my legs must land,” arms crossed, a lie to say all was forgotten. Shedding a single tear, the butler rushed.

“Would his majesty care to spare this unworthy butler the honor of asking a question?” spoken as the clothes were fitted around the king, Staxius raised an eyebrow.

“What’s the matter?”

“Not that I wish to intrude, however, I feel as if you’ve changed in some way. I’ve not wrapped mine head around it – instant say that tis thy speech,” done, he stepped back.

“I’ve no idea what you may be referring too,” admiring his clothes, “-I do agree that my manner of speech has altered a minute amount. Tis nothing to fret over; holding a formal tone is a must in tonight’s gathering. Princess Lizzie is to be celebrated, I wish to show that the royal family is ready to lead,” filled with conviction, the crown was placed on his head. Staff in hand, twenty minutes had passed. “A job well done,” patting Youst’s back, “-you’re an amazing worker. Perish the thought of heading into oblivion, there’s more to accomplish,” grabbing the doorknob, “-you need to watch as Lizzie grows into a strong princess. She shall need all the help that we can muster,” opened, the imposing figure vanished into the hallway’s shadows.

‘King Staxius,’ knelt out of fatigue, ‘-it brings me joy to serve a magnanimous king such as you. I can’t but wait to see what Arda becomes; we’re on the way to change, I felt it. The pressure that oozed when the door opened; it seeped all my strength. A god in the guise of a vampire; I might be giving to old age.’

Air cut as if it were the butchers, a black shadow came from the North East. “They’re here,” voiced Serene, “-toggle on the light,” the platform sparkled.

“How goes it?” teleported with formal attire, Staxius stood close to Serene who had her gaze on the craft.

“I said,” tapping her shoulder, “-how goes it?”

“Majesty,” taken aback, “-you’ve come to welcome the guests,” wasting no time, she directed elves that stood with light-spells. On hover, the air-monster began its descent. Bigger than the craft, the platform stood without trouble, slowly, the wind blew harsher. Holding desperately on her dress, Serene’s eyes watered. Not only her, but the same looks of concern were also seen on the elves.

*Death Element: Hand of God,* a snap later, walls summoned to help break the wind. Bows of gratitude were seen all-around. *Tsst,* landed, the engines breathed a sigh of relief similar to cold water hitting hot metal.

“Arda at last,” the door opened with Cake leading the front. Dressed in a black dress with a furred coat, she walked graciously.

“Welcome to Arda,” stood in line, the elves who gave light bowed as the guest walked. In the end, Staxius stood with his crown, staff, kingly outfit.

“We meet again,” formal, Cake held her dress and bowed.

“Over here, my lady,” butlers stood at the ready to escort the guests.

“Do follow the butler, he shall lead to the throne room,” he said with a smile.

Next, Prince Ernis, Queen Gallienne, Prince consort Piers, and Queen Mother Sely. Exchanging pleasantries, royalty was treated with respect.

“I must say,” voiced Gallienne, “-King Staxius, the crown befits you,” a jest to which they headed inside. Following them, Undrar and Auic dressed accordingly, nothing overly fancy – it sufficed as formal clothes. In the same fashion, they were warmly welcomed. Escorted out; a muscular figure stepped, the stair seemed to want to give in to the weight, Josiah with Sophie. Identical reactions all around, they knew Staxius to be a king. Only in speech and not physical, he with a crown forever etched into their mind – powerful and menacing. Lastly, Aceline, Scott, and Lucy, “-welcome to Arda, dearest comrades.”

“Thanks, majesty,” as to not step out of line, all who walked were very self-conscious. The eyes of the elves, the stares of guards hidden around; being overly friendly could have changed the situation.

“King Staxius,” half-awake, “-you’re looking rather handsome,” commented Aceline, her sentence had Serene on edge. “Look at you,” her fingers reached to Staxius’s face. In the background, Serene’s eyes narrowed, her nails grew sharper for it was rude.

“You’re the one who looks absolutely stunning,” glared at the guards, he secretly grabbed onto Serene’s overly itchy finger. “Butler,” called, a demi-human in a tuxedo appeared, “-could you show Lady Aceline to the washroom. She seems a little flushed.”

“This way ma’am,” he led the way, Lucy followed behind with a relieved face.

“That was a close one,” whispered Scott.

“Don’t worry about formality,” spoke Staxius, “-we’re friends. You’re here as my guest, none will raise a finger let alone voice at thee all,” looking around, “-have I made myself clear?” a question to the attendants “-As you wish, majesty,” echoed.

A few minutes passed, 18:30 came around. The throne room was filled moderately, portal led to various spots. Gathered in one spot, representatives spoke to one another. The appearance of the famed-Queen Gallienne gave birth to curiosity. It had been a first for non-Ardanians to be allowed passage into the continent. In good-intent, Haru with an enormous smile took strides and spoke to Piers. They had grown acquainted over the days.

“Tis a pleasure to make thy acquaintance, Majesty,” giving a curtsy, the demi-human smiled.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Gallienne returned the sentiment, “-I’ve heard many good things from my husband.”

“Is that so,” slyly gazing at Piers, “-did her majesty enjoy the present?”

*Cough,* Piers startled to the point of choking on his drink. “W-what ever do you mean?” he asked with a scared look.

“I enjoyed it,” smiled Gallienne, “-it was very good. I’d say the prince enjoyed it more than I,” on that, jesting back and forth, Haru broke the ice. From secluded, more and more Ardanians gathered around and spoke. Few teenagers ran around; “-you’re the Idol Aceline,” they stood with phones in hand, “-I love all your songs,” they cheered.

“So precious,” in awe, Aceline could but engage strongly with the youth.

“I must say that lady Aceline sure is popular with my daughters,” approached one of the nobles from the Demi-human factions.

“I never would have thought that her music would have had such an impact,’ voiced Scott as the crowd moved from left to right.

*Now entering, the Royal Family of Arda,* a shuffled followed by a pin drop silence – the announcement had many on edge. Babe covered in a red blanket with the royal crest embroidered, Xula walked beside Staxius who locked arms with Eira. Many of the young nobles in attending had their heart stolen, slowly they walked up the stairs to the throne.

“First and foremost,” spoke out Xula, “-I would like to thank all who were able to take time out and make it for the celebrations of the Second Princess of Arda’s birth. Tonight is a night of joy; do as thine heart dictates.” Stepped back, it signaled for Staxius to speak. “As her majesty said, we’re here as friends. Void prejudices, on my behalf, many special guests from Oxshield have come to join our festivities. Most prominent are Prince Ernis from the Empire and Queen Gallienne from Hidros. Speak as you would a normal comrade,” staring far back, “-I see that Lady Haru and Prince Consort Piers are already enjoying the drinks,” said in jest, laughter followed. At ease, the celebration commenced.

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