
Chapter 83 - 83. Spinner's End

After gathering, they went to a big park. It was work hours so there were no people there and kids were also busy with school. Their Christmas break had not started yet.

Magnus took out two brooms from his expansion bag. Bobby didn\'t know how to fly so it was risky for him. ​​

"So, where are we going first?" Bobby asked.

"To get our third member of the Round Table. Severus Snape." Ragnar answered him.

Magnus got onto his broom and called Bobby to sit behind him, "Come, sit tight. We will be flying there."

"WHAT? But won\'t people see us?" Bobby inquired.

Magnus took out his wand and chuckled, "Magic, boy, magic. Now, hurry up and sit."

Bobby excitedly took a seat behind him. Brooms were enchanted to feel comfortable and not like a rod passing over your asscrack. So, Bobby didn\'t even feel he was sitting on a pole.

Magnus then put a charm on himself and Ragnar\'s broom, to make it so nobody and see them fly. It was a simple charm used by most wizards.

"Hey, Mag. Isn\'t using magic outside school illegal for underage wizards? Won\'t the trace tell the people at the ministry?" Ragnar asked.

Magnus shrugged his shoulder, "I don\'t know. Nobody has come after me till now. I don\'t think I have a trace on me."

"Tsk... so lucky." Ragnar muttered.

"Okay, hold on tight, Bobby. I don\'t want my chubby friend to fall and... you know what will happen then." Magnus warned him and slowly took off.

Their feet left the ground slowly. Bobby exclaimed in excitement as a funny feeling rose in his stomach. The trees grew smaller around them and buildings in a distance became clearer.

And then, Magnus accelerated. *ZOOM*

"WOOOOOOOOHOOOOO!" Bobby shouted.

"Haha, I knew you would love this. Now, let\'s pick up some speed." Magnus went full speed.

Bobby looked around at the changing scenery. It was much better than travelling on a plane. You can\'t feel the air from that little window without dying.

Snape\'s home was on a street called Spinner\'s end. It was in Cokeworth, a large town. Snape had told him that the place was very gloomy and old and not to expect much.

But when Magnus reached close to it, he realised what Snape said was an understatement. The place was not just gloomy, it was dead.

Bobby had a shiver run down his body when he saw the area. "I never knew such a place existed in our country. It\'s as if this place is stuck in the war era."

The place was covered in chilly mist, that drifted over a dirty river that wound between overgrown, rubbish-strewn banks. An immense chimney, relic of a disused mill, reared up, shadowy and ominous. There was no sound apart from the whisper of the black water and no sign of life apart from a scrawny fox that had slunk down the bank to nose hopefully at some old fish-and-chip wrappings in the tall grass.

It was a town with several streets of identical brick, terraced, houses. It was located near a dirty river, the bank of which was strewn with litter. There was a disused mill with a tall chimney in this town. It was a poverty-stricken neighbourhood.

Ragnar felt the gloominess of the area, "No wonder Snape was such emo when we met him. This place can make a kind spirit go bad. Where is his home?"

Magnus remembered what Snape had said. "He said he lives in the last house in the Spinner\'s End street."

So, they landed down in an alley. The place was 90 per cent abandoned so there was nobody to see them magically appear. From there, they walked in the streets.

They stood side by side, looking across the road at the rows and rows of dilapidated brick houses, their windows dull and blind in the darkness. All houses were identical.

"Okay, we\'re at the end, is it the left house or right?" Bobby inquired.

Magnus shrugged and took a long breath in, "SNAPE, WHICH HOUSE IS YOURS?"

In response to his ear-shattering echoing voice, a noise of utensils falling came from the house on their left. The next moment, loud voices started coming, as if somebody was fighting.

But, at the same time, the window of the house on their right opened and an old man peeked out, "HAAAA? Who shouted? Is it morning already?"

Ragnar chuckled, "NO, OLD MAN. GO BACK TO SLEEP."

"Hey, what if he needs to go to work?" Bobby stopped Ragnar.

Magnus smiled, "Then he will find a surprise at his door today."

Magnus put a small packet with money on the door for disturbing the old man, and then went towards Snape\'s house. They came to the door and proceeded to knock on it.

*Knock Knock*

"SEV... Open up." Magnus shouted.

Soon, the door creaked open. But it was not Severus, it was an older man in dirty clothes.

"Go away, runts." the man shooed them.

Magnus did not take crap from anybody. "AH, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, SEV? Last I saw you, you were a little boy. How did you turn into this greasy, old and useless man?"


Magnus did not let him speak another word as his spare wand was on the man\'s throat, "You must know what this is, right?"

"Haha, you think I\'m scared of that? You cannot use it on me for being underaged, I know that." Mr Snape smugly said.

"Locomotor Wibbly"

As soon as Magnus chanted that, Mr Snape fell to the floor. The spell was Jelly-Legs Jinx used to collapse legs.

In shock and fear, Mr Snape looked at Magnus.

Magnus pointed his wand at him in disgust, "You clearly don\'t understand anything about magic or the magical world. Sev could have shattered your bones if he wanted to, with a simple drop of a special potion in your drink, but you were still a blood relative. However, I do not care who you are, to me, you are a pathetic lowlife who beats his family, and I have zero respect for people like you. So, you better keep your mouth shut as long as I\'m here or you are not spoken to. Am I clear?"

Mr Snape nodded his head, so Magnus entered the house.

As soon as he entered, he found Severus standing at the door of a room stupidly.

"What are you doing, Sev?" Magnus asked.

"Nothing... I just woke up. But... I found him returned here. I can\'t believe my mother let him enter the house, a pathetic woman who made the wrong choice at every turn of her life." Severus muttered.

"He said he has changed, Sev." A woman\'s voice came from the room.

Magnus, Ragnar and Bobby peeked in. Mrs Snape was there, but her face had bruises.

"And you believed him? Just like that? Do you even want to live a better life? I\'m starting to believe you enjoy all this torment?" Severus said.

Magnus quickly took the situation under control, "Ah, calm down, Sev. This is the reason why I made you the heir to Prince family and not her. We can also permanently deal with Mr Snape. Now, get some health potions and treat your mother."

Severus sneered at his mother and went to his room to get some potions.

Eileen quickly got up, seeing Magnus. She was ashamed but also very thick-skinned after having spent so much time as an abuse victim.

"Ah, Magnus... Let me cook something for you. I heard you like pancakes." She spoke.

Magnus didn\'t talk much to her and just nodded. He had no idea how to deal with her. She was as much mentally scarred as physically.

He was not going to be rude to her, even though he felt angry at her.

After that, Magnus returned to Mr Snape. He had crawled to a seat by now.

He took out a paper from his pocket and handed it to him. "Sign them and get a million pounds. Don\'t sign them and get your body broken and then forcibly made to sign, no money too."

"That\'s the best deal in the history of deals," Ragnar added.

Tobias Snape was a retired post office worker. He was not in retirement age but he was let go due to his drinking addiction. But thankfully he was eligible for a pension and that was what ran the family.

Now, he looked at the crazy kids in front of him.

"Where is the money?" He asked.

Magnus nodded towards Bobby. He came forward and opened a suitcase taken out of Magnus\' expansion bag.

Tobias\' eyes shined seeing the money and he rushed to sign the papers. Then he lunged at the suitcase and took it.

"Good, now, I want to see you gone from this house in 5 minutes. If you return or try to contact your son or ex-wife again, you will get struck by a spell much worse. Understood?" Magnus ordered.

Tobias now had his legs normal, so he ran into his room and got his stuff which was not much. Then, he dashed out.

Once gone, Snape came to Magnus, "Why did you give him so much money? It\'s a waste."

Magnus smiled towards him, "That\'s not my money, and it\'s better you don\'t know what happens to him from now on. Your mother can now go to the new house I just bought for you. You can pay me back when you start earning. You should get your bag and come with me now." He instructed.

Snape nodded and told a few things to his mother. Then came with Magnus.

They went out and saw the same gloomy street.

Magnus sighed, "You know what? I\'ll buy this place."

"You want to buy my home?" Severus wondered.

"No, I want to buy this town. Okay, let\'s go to my CASTLE." Magnus was pumped about it. His shouting immediately improved everyone\'s mood.

*Window opens*

"Ah... Is it morning now?" It was the same old man.

This time, Magnus replied, "YES, It\'s morning now. Oh, someone left something at your door."

"I got a letter? I GOT A LETTER? WOAH... IT\'S BEEN 10 YEARS." The old man seemed so excited and closed his windows to go downstairs.

Seeing this, Magnus sighed in worry, "I hope he doesn\'t get a heart attack when he sees the money envelope. Let\'s go, guys."

[You can see Spinner\'s End on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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