
Chapter 84 - 84. The CASTLE!

[A/N: This Chapter has images. Check the paragraph comments or the discord server.]

Tobias Snape. He was the happiest man for the past 2 days. He was so wealthy that he could buy anything. Maybe get a new house and then live off the good interest on the money. ​​

But, a drunkard always thinks about drinks. So, he actually just rented a small apartment over a liquor store, like a lion making its home near a rabbit hole.

He would buy liquor every day. It was his substitute for water. He even bathed in his for some weird fetish. He was happy leaving his family behind and blessed Magnus every time he drank.

But his fun came to an end when the police knocked on his door. They searched his apartment and found so much cash. It was obviously suspicious.

So, they checked it. And found it to be money belonging to the bank, as the cash Tobias had, had a code that was not yet issued to anybody.

So, he was taken into custody. Even though he tried to tell them it was not his money, nobody believed him. He was found red-handed and there was enough evidence to put him behind bars. The bank never issued a public statement because they were ashamed as they didn\'t even know when the bank robbery took place. Since then, Tobias Snape disappeared from the world\'s eyes.


Magnus had actually sent a letter to the police the day he took money from the bank. He felt distasteful stealing money so he actually put 1 million into his own account there first. This way, he was just taking his own money.

But he had no idea what had happened to Tobias. Because he was on his way to his castle now. It was very far away, on the western coast of the United Kingdom.

They flew for hours to reach there. But, they couldn\'t find the location at the shore. So Magnus asked Merlin in the portrait.

Merlin quickly voiced, "Haha, of course, you can\'t find it. It\'s my CASTLE. Also, it\'s not just on the shore, it\'s actually an island, west of the Northern mainland. It was fully enchanted by me and that is why none know of it.

"Just follow the coastline until you will start feeling a ting in the head, Magnus. From there, head left, over the sea. Soon, you will enter a magically protected area and that\'s it. Also, it\'s better if you enter first as your blood will let you see the island but others can\'t. It is like a Fidelius Charm but much bigger and better."

So, Magnus followed the instructions after having Bobby sit with Ragnar on the broom. Merlin and Arthur\'s portrait also demanded that they stay outside with him.

After travelling north on the coastline, Magnus finally felt a ting in the head. From there, he took a left. He continued to fly for several tens of kilometres. After more than an hour, he finally felt a little strange. As if, there was a barrier in front of him.

He warned his friends, "STOP! Wait here for me."

He knew this was it and excitedly headed right into the barrier. He felt as if he was passing through an invisible wall. He also felt as if something scanned him. Soon, the tingling in his head turned into the happy chirps of a bird.

"Don\'t tell me... this island is sentient?" He asked Merlin\'s portrait.

"Hehe, yes and no. At most, you can call it a quarter sentient. It does not understand complex feelings. It just exists and is alive in a way. Go on, you will see the island soon." Merlin seemed as excited as Magnus.

Magnus did not stop. He made his broom go faster. Eventually, he saw something on the horizon. There were hundreds of black spots.

Slowly, he came closer and was left in awe. The whole shoreline had small mountains at equal distance, on each mountain was a humongous stone statue, wearing armour and holding a spear.

"WOAAAAH!... They are so awesome." Magnus shouted in excitement.


As soon as Magnus reached the shoreline, all the statues took to the knee, as if saluting a king.

"They can move?" He asked.

Merlin answered, "Of course, I studied the Sentinels at Hogwarts heavily and then added my own magic. All these sentinels you see are the guardians of this island. It\'s the first line of defence. Don\'t take them as a joke, they can throw their spears at the speed of sound and as long as they are connected to the ground, they can keep on summoning more spears."

Magnus awed at them, "This... is so AMAZING. You\'re a genius, Merlin."

"Heh, glad you noticed." Merlin sarcastically replied.

"I bet I could have defeated them with my Excalibur." Arthur also voiced.

"Of course you could. It was an enchanted sword, one of its kind." Merlin talked back.

But Magnus ignored their bickering and returned to call in his friends. Then, he showed them the sentinels. They too looked at them in awe.

"How big is this island?" Bobby inquired.

Magnus did not know, so he turned to Merlin. Merlin answered, "Umm... about 200 kilometres in all directions."

"THAT\'S HUGE..." Ragnar exclaimed.

"Keep on flying to the castle, the main course is still remaining." Arthur nudged.

Magnus looked forward to seeing what the castle looked like. Since he heard about owning it, he wanted to see it. And now, his expectations were reaching the sky because of how blown out he was by just the sentinels.

As they flew by, they saw so much diversity in the environment on the island. There were tall mountains, there was a small desert, there were jungles and also grasslands. It was a cluster of everything earth had to offer.

"WOAAAAH... What are these two statues now?" Magnus asked. In front of him was a huge valley, on whose sides were 2 giant statues of what seemed like robed people with staff.

Merlin explained again, "This is Wizards\' Pass. Beyond this point on the island, all magic based on bad intention gets banned. If you try to do it, then these two will send a very strong punishment towards you. Well, not you as you\'re the boss."

"Can it differentiate between jokes and really bad magic?" Ragnar asked.

"Yes, that it can, otherwise, I would have died much earlier, pranking Arthur." Merlin jokingly answered.

Magnus and the rest passed under the raised arms of the Wizards\' pass. They felt as if they just got covered under a layer of magic from that point.

They again saw various changing landscapes, but, all the main stuff was mostly in hilly green areas.

It took them 1 hour to reach near the centre. From a distance, they saw a giant plateau, going in a circular shape for as long as they could see. Coming closer, they found it was not a plateau but something similar to what they saw on the shore.

These were all manmade structures. A giant wall, made with morphing mountains. The whole wall had many peaks and each peak had a giant sentinel with a sword near its chest, held in a knightly pose. Each mountain supporting the Sentinel was also a castle in itself.

"What are these called?" Snape wondered.

This time Arthur answered, "These are all called Home Sentinels. Like those on the shore, they are meant to protect the insides of the island. They can fight very well, all of them have their fighting abilities mirrored from me."

Magnus with sparkling eyes looked at each of them. Each such giant sentinel depicted one Arthur that could cut mountains.

"Why did you even need all these? Who were you protecting the island from?" Bobby asked.

Everyone wondered the same hearing the question.

Merlin snorted, "Huh, can\'t a man have some ambitions? We just wanted to make a wonderful place for ourselves... so we went a little overboard. Still, in those times, wild dangerous magical beasts and dark beings were much more prevalent."

"Also, none of these Sentinels can leave the island, so it was just for homes safety," Arthur added.

"OKAY... ask questions later. These Home Sentinels mark the start of the main castle area. Just a little more in and you will see the main thing." Merlin insisted they continue.

They did exactly that. Magnus was in the lead. The landscape now remained green, with lots of lakes, grasslands and mountains.

Then, finally, Magnus came to a big opening and in a distance, he could see some structure. Cones of a building to be exact.

But, as they moved closer, their heads started to sweat. The scale of the building was beyond their wildest dreams. They thought it was impossible to beat Hogwarts in size, but here, in front of this building, which could be a Castle or maybe a Castle-city, Hogwarts seemed like a child.

There was a boundary wall, going around the whole area. Then there was the Castle, which just kept on going higher. It was unknown if it was a mountain or just a building, but they had a feeling it was the latter.

The highest point of the castle was as high as the tallest mountains in the surrounding region, and those mountains actually had snow at the top. Even around the castle, there were clouds here and there. It had white-ish walls and orange roofs. There were so many buildings that Magnus estimated a big metropolis could be established in it.

"THIS... IS... CRAZY!..." Magnus exclaimed. The scale was mad. But, that was not it. It was beautiful and well kept.

"HAHAHAHA..." Arthur started laughing with pride.

"Ah, I guess we did go overboard with this," Merlin muttered while stroking his beard.

"What is the name of this castle?" Ragnar asked.

Finally, Arthur revealed, "Welcome to the real, CAMELOT. Both, the island and the castle are called that."

Magnus nodded. It made sense, what else would it be than Camelot.

"Does anybody live here?" Magnus asked.

"Why don\'t you find out yourself, you own it after all?" Merlin replied with a smirk.

Excitedly, Magnus zoomed towards its entrance gates. He wanted to walk towards the peak of the castle, experiencing all that it had to offer. But, as soon as he stepped inside the boundary gates, he saw some movement.

You can see The Sentinels, Wizard\'s Pass, Border Defenders and the Castle on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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