
Chapter 109 - 109. MEDA

Ragnar had really brought professor Slughorn, the man was still in his night robes and was sweating due to coming here running.

Magnus had to tell him that it was just another match of arm wrestling, nothing to fear. But Slughorn didn\'t believe him and thought he was shrugging the event due to some kind of pressure. In the end, he had to go to Madam Pomfrey to get a medical check-up and only then did Slughorn feel at ease. After all, for him, Magnus, the king of Britain, was his biggest investment. ​​

Soon after, everybody returned to sleep. But Magnus was not asleep yet.

"Come on, man, you need to learn to see and understand my signals. Probably everyone there knew I was acting except you." Magnus was scolding Ragnar.

Ragnar sat on the bed with his legs folded as if he was going to commit seppuku at any moment. He had his head down in shame.

"SHAME..." Severus spoke in the background.


Magnus turned to Severus awkwardly, "What are you doing?"

"Shaming him for his stupid brain." He answered.

Hearing this, Ragnar got enraged, "Huh, says the guy who can\'t even brew Liquid luck."

"Says the guy who can\'t even cast a first-year charm perfectly..." Severus barked back.

And, this way, Magnus\' scolding turned into a small brawl of words between the two.

"Hoooo..." Suddenly, Summer flew in from the vent that acted as a window for their dorm.

She quickly came to Magnus with pride. Beside her was another cute little owl. It was a male and he certainly had hots for Summer, it seems she knew how to use her beauty, but Magnus was not going to let them touch her.

"What is it, Summer?" He asked while petting her.

She first enjoyed the pats and then looked at the new grey owl. She nudged her head for him to get closer to Magnus. The new owl nervously walked towards him, vigilant for any kind of incoming attack.

"Hehe, it\'s okay, little one, I will not hurt you," Magnus said and put his hand forward. The owl simply checked it first and then started rubbing his head around it.

Magnus taking the cue, caressed him. "So, what do you want to show me?"

The cute little Owl lifted his left claw and put it on Magnus\' palm. He noticed a small cylindrical metal box strapped there. He opened it and took out its contents.

It was a thin piece of paper, rolled to fit inside it. He unfolded it and started reading. He lightly read it.

"My Lord, I need some funds to organise a few meetings with students from the third year and above during Hogsmeade weekends. That mudblood has been a nuisance and spreading words in the common room is very hard due to him."

Magnus\' face grew a big scary smile, "Hehe, jackpot."

He immediately took out a few treats from his bag and gave them to the new owl and Summer. Both of them happily enjoyed it. Then, he rolled the message back in the small box on the claw of the owl.

He looked at Chad and spoke, "You can understand me, pass my message to this new owl. Tell him that if his owner ever mistreats him, hurts him or does anything bad to him, he can always come to me to live."

Chad lazily walked to the new owl and started meowing. Soon, the small owl happily rubbed his head on Magnus and then flew out.

He then turned to Summe, picking her up in his arms. Then he turned to Ragnar and Severus, "Hehe, I guess our Summer is the most important member of Order of Merlin now. What a brave girl."

Chuckling, Ragnar also gave her some treats. Summer was so happy that her work was appreciated.

With this, their day came to an end. For the three of them, classes were not as interesting anymore as textbook knowledge was very easy to learn. What they wanted to do was become the best in their respective specialities and explore other magics to no limit. The sky was the limit to how good of a wizard you can become.

Ragnar wanted to study Potions and Runes, Severus wanted to study Potions and Spellmaking. Magnus, on the other hand, wanted to learn everything except potions with a major focus on Charms and Runes.

Magnus was slowly decrypting the Rune book of Merlin. It was an enigma, as he realised that it was not just about a single subject, but it was about spell creation, from the start to the finish. Because of this, the runes kept on changing and getting harder as he went further.

In the beginning, he read about how the first early humans, who had no language, still used to do magic. The answer was runes. Early cave dwellers also had a few wizards among them, they were treated like holy people.

These Wizards used magic with the help of drawing runes on objects, ground and walls. Because of a lack of human speech, most of these runes were intent-based.

For example, they had stones that would catch fire if the wizard wanted. Cave walls that would fall if an intruder enters.

Impersonating the Wizards, normal humans also started to paint their walls with whatever came into their mind. Of course, it was all non-magical but it ended up being the proof of our early ancestors in the form of petroglyphs, or engravings.

Magnus was interested in this magic and it was advised by Merlin in the book that he starts from the basic if he wants to be the master someday. So, he was learning the cave-dweller\'s magic at the moment. He was also teaching Ragnar whatever he could. Ragnar wasn\'t interested in spell creation as he sucked at charms, all he wanted to learn was to engrave objects with runes.

Magnus tiredly put the book to the side of his bed. He looked at the clock and it was 3 in the morning. Severus and Ragnar were also studying at their tables.

Magnus thought about what he studied, ~These early human rune language looks so similar to Goblin engraving and enchanting. Could it be that, unlike humans, they never forgot their root magic?~


"Sev, Rag go to sleep. It\'s bad for kids to stay up so late." He jokingly advised.

"Sure, you should sleep now, me and Rag will watch over you, little dragon..." Severus replied sarcastically.

Ragnar laughed, "Pfft... Yeah, we will make sure no monster comes to eat you in your sleep, little dragon."

"Urgh... Goodnight." Magnus\' joke became a loss for himself. He rolled his eyes and covered his head under the blanket and slept.


The next morning, while Magnus and his friends were attending classes, Thomas, now known as Adrian Durand, arrived at the law and consultancy firm, Tonks and Tonks. It was in a prime location in London because as a law firm, the image mattered a lot.

In terms of winning the cases, he had employed an old muggle-born wizard to help with cases where the lawyer felt they\'d lose.

The wizard would do some secret investigations and gather some evidence otherwise impossible. This way, they would always win. But, Ted did purposefully lose some cases once in a while in order not to raise suspicions.

He now bossed over 20 Lawyers and 50 paralegals. He was the CEO of the firm and only handled the big deep-pocketed clients, though, in all honesty, nobody had a deeper pocket than Magnus, but he never charged Magnus because just by being beside Magnus for a day to help him, he makes more than what his whole company does in months.

Today, he was in his office, he had postponed a meeting because he received a message from Magnus via Summer. She even had her own little Birdhouse in his office. Most staff think she\'s his pet.

*Knock Knock*

"You may enter..." He spoke.

Soon, the door opened and a well suited tall muscular man entered.

But the moment the two saw each other, they were left speechless.


"Tom?" [Short for Thomas.]

"It\'s Adrian now, but MERLIN\'S BEARD... I thought you were dead or something after marrying Dromeda." Adrian exclaimed.

Ted got up and went forward to give a bear hug. "I would have if not for his majesty. Just when I was uncertain about my future, I got a letter with an opportunity... And I took it. Now, look around, my own law firm with my pockets filled with riches."

Adrian smiled, "Then we\'re in the same boat. The Ministry is compromised, my friend. They tried to silence me, Elsa and my daughter too. But, everything\'s fine now. Hopefully, we can keep this disguise long enough for the heat to die down."

Ted patted his shoulder and poured a drink for him, "Good to hear that, my friend. Thank god your family is fine too."

"Thanks to his majesty, actually. Anyway... So we\'re both together again, I guess heavens wanted this. Working for the king of Britain doesn\'t sound so bad." Adrian said with a chuckle.

"Haha... True... But, we\'re not officially his employees. We just run companies he owns or invested in. When I heard an ex-Auror would be coming, I already planned for everything. I got your new identity papers, both magical and muggle."

Then he passed on a small box, "These are the keys to your new home and the letter of acknowledgement for you to use the floor above. You\'re not getting the whole floor, just the left side of the building as you won\'t be having a lot of employees anyway.

"Now to the main stuff, I already got your first employee ready. I was using him to do some secret investigations on some cases. Now, besides you taking cases on your own, I will recommend some clients of mine to buy your services for their own cases. I will take 5 per cent of the money earned from those cases. Simple, professional and easy work."


"You\'ve got everything planned, it seems. But I\'m going to have to scrutinise this new employee of mine. MEDA can\'t afford any spy in the ranks." Adrian decided.

"That\'s exactly what I expect from an ex-auror. Anyway, I got your first case ready. A man who wants a divorce but doesn\'t want to pay the alimony. He claims his wife cheated on him but the court needs hard evidence that she was cheating and he\'s not been living with her since he found out. He will come to meet you later today. He\'s a millionaire, so a big client. Trust me, To... Adrian, as long as you work well, there is a lot to achieve, good luck." Ted explained the details.

Adrian took the file and got to work. He said bye to his old Hogwarts housemate and went upstairs. There, he saw the big reception desk on the left as soon as he came out of the elevator.

There was a woman there, behind her on the wall, the name of the company was written in bold. "MEDA"

This was going to be what the company will be publicly known as.

~*Sigh* Let\'s get to it.~

[You can see the owl on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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