
Chapter 110 - 110. WAP Boy

Magnus was very much thankful that the Death Eaters had been silent since he struck them with Sentinel\'s spears.

His days in Hogwarts, for now, were going peaceful, as he spent all his time on studies. A month had gone by and February was around the corner. ​​

"Man, I always hate astronomy classes." Ragnar tiredly complained.

"But I thought you were interested in going to the moon someday," Magnus asked.

Ragnar shook his head, "Would you be more interested in eating the pancake or studying its molecular structure?"

"I understand, I\'d eat them of course. Where is Sev, by the way?" Magnus asked.

They looked around and couldn\'t find him anywhere. The next class was going to be Potions and he should be close around.

*Pat Pat*

While they were looking around, Ragnar suddenly halted and also stopped Magnus.

"Look there..." Ragnar said in a suppressed voice.

Magnus turned his head and looked. He actually forgot to breathe. Snape was there, in front of them, walking beside Lily, with a smile as she also laughed.

"Did he... Tell her a joke or something?" Magnus wondered.

"Look at him, he\'s carrying her books. We need to find a nickname for him, Umm... Weak Ass Pepe Boy, WAP boy." Ragnar commented.

"Pfft... What is wrong with your brain? Always coming up with stupid stuff." Magnus said, but even he was laughing.

Ragnar defended himself, "Heh, this time I\'m right. Look at him, picking up her books and walking beside her like her servant."

"Let\'s follow them. They\'re probably headed to the potion\'s class." Magnus decided.

They secretly, but still in plain sight, moved behind them. Soon, they arrive at the classroom. As they entered, Severus and Lily separated and went to the sides of their houses.

Magnus quickly confronted him, "So this is what you\'ve been doing? Ditching your brothers and going to her?"

"WAP boy, traitor," Ragnar commented from behind Magnus.

"I was merely doing what you told me to. She\'s the best potioneer in the school after me, I want to make a study group and teach other students potions." Severus clarified.

"HEY! I\'m the best potioneer in the school... *Gasp* WAIT! Are those... MY BOOK?" Ragnar suddenly noticed the books near Lily that not long ago Severus was carrying.

"How can you take my books without asking... This is wrong." He protested.

Severus scoffed, "What did you even plan on doing with them? You had completed them in the first month of school. Also, I did ask you, when you were sleeping in the morning."

"You know that anything I say in my sleep cannot be taken seriously," Ragnar argued.

Magnus chuckled, "Yes, don\'t you remember how he tried to eat Chad once, calling him chicken. Poor Chad was traumatised."

Severus agreed, "He really sleeps like a log. Anyway, I gave her the book because she asked me if I had any spare ones. She\'s going to donate them to the school, so poor students can get them when they come to school."

Ragnar calmed down as soon as he heard that, "Hmm, if that\'s the case then it\'s fine. You can give the books, I\'ve got a few more spare ones too. I remember everything in them anyway."


"Let\'s start the class, shall we?" Slughorn entered the classroom.


It hadn\'t even been a minute since the start of the class and there was already a blast. Magnus turned to look who it was, and sure enough, it was none other than James and Sirius.

Slughorn furrowed his brows, "Oh dear... You two must have a deep love for detention."

The two embarrassingly scratched his head. Sirius though spoke, "We were just trying to study, professor."

"Sure, trying to study the dung breath potion is very important for the school course, Mr Black. 5 points from Gryffindor. Let\'s start now." He punished them and got back to teaching.

"What are they planning now?" Magnus whispered.

"Who knows, I just hope they are never successful in making it and if they are, I hope I\'m not the target," Ragnar muttered.

The class was boring as always, Magnus made an average potion after 2 tries while Severus and Ragnar were bored beyond belief.

But, the next was Charms class and Magnus was waiting for it. The class was very easy for him and after that, he went to Professor Flitwick.

"Professor, I wanted to ask, how good are you at Duelling? He inquired, although he knew the answer, he was just letting Flitwick humble brag and feel good.

"Oh, so you finally asked. I knew this day would come. I am a wizarding duelling champion, Mr Pendragon." Flitwick proudly replied from his high chair which actually brought him to normal adult height.

Magnus smiled, "Professor, I was wondering if we could start a friendly duelling club in the school. After all, one tends to remember things better when it involves something physical. This experience can also help with our carriers.

"In fact, imagine if one day, Duelling becomes a sport, a sport with rules of no life-threatening spell use. Just like how muggles have created safe sports out of lots of ancient fighting styles. They are very popular around the world.

"Why not organise a duelling competition every year, I will sponsor it with monetary prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions," Magnus suggested.

Flitwick rubbed his chin while thinking. Magnus said more to seal the deal.

"Imagine, professor. You might get called the creator of Duelling sports in the future. The whole Wizarding World will know your name." He painted a nice picture in the head of Flitwick, exciting him too.

"Certainly, a very wonderful idea, Mr Pendragon. Who else, but you could think of it. A controlled duelling sport. It would be even better if the first champion turns out to be you, the descendant of Merlin." Flitwick was now officially on board.

Magnus then asked, "So, when can we expect this to happen?"

"I will apply for the school club. By the time you return for the next Hogwarts year, you will find it as an extracurricular activity." Flitwick promised.

Getting what he wanted, he returned to dorms to tell his friends about it.

"I\'m not joining." Ragnar immediately denied. Magnus could understand his worry, he had no talent in charms and if he were to duel, he\'d get thrown out of bounds in seconds.

But Magnus encouraged him, "Then you must develop a new fighting style. Did you forget who you are? Did you forget what your life\'s goal is? To achieve that, you must learn how to fight. Did you forget the sword I gifted you? It is now enchanted by Goblins. Use it, try the waters. You will not find another opportunity like this ever again."

Peer pressure was one hell of a thing. Ragnar agreed to try it out. And so, they started waiting excitedly for the day they could legally beat other kids.

The next day, Magnus woke up early to do some morning exercise. Then, he went to the common hall for breakfast. There were not many classes today and it was going to be a relaxing day for most students.

Soon, the letters and parcels started coming in. Surprisingly, Magnus, Severus and Ragnar all three received a small similar sized package.

Ragnar quickly opened it and found a small note on top.

"Try my new apple and lemon pie, sweeties. I hope you will like it, with love, Grandma Martha."

Magnus smiled widely, "Hehe, she\'s really like a Grandma. I guess she missed all this with her useless cat grandkids"

*Nom nom nom*

Severus was already eating it, "It tastes very good. Grandma Martha is amazing at cooking and should open a restaurant."

"Then let\'s hope duck doesn\'t get too fat there." Magnus joked.

They were happily enjoying the food while talking. The hall was full of chatter. Then suddenly the tall form of Dumbledore appeared behind Magnus\' table.

He came forward and put one hand on his shoulder, "Mr Pendragon, will you please follow me to the office next door. You two can come too."

Magnus was taken aback, why would Dumbledore appear so un-Dumbledore-like.

~Is he angry about the underwear?~ he wondered.

Among the chatters and murmurs of everyone there, Magnus and his friends followed Dumbledore.

Once in private, Dumbledore put his hat down, as if showing grief. He came closer to Magnus and patted his shoulder.

Magnus had an ominous feeling about this. Nervously, he asked, "What happened, professor?"

Dumbledore showed a rare emotion of sadness, "Magnus, your father... There was an incident during his routine inspection."

It was as if the world became blank and silent. Magnus\' heart beat so fast he could hear his own heartbeat. All the moments he spent with his dad flashed in his mind, all the laughs, all the fun moments. They immediately reminded him how much he loves his dad along with his mum.

"I-Is he okay?" He stutteringly asked in extreme worry.

"I do not know, he was taken to the hospital as soon as it happened. I came here to take you there." Dumbledore revealed.

Magnus nodded and tried his best to stay calm while trying not to think of the worst.

Snape, still not that shaken, asked the important question, "What exactly happened, professor?"

Dumbledore looked at Magnus in a sighing manner, "There was a bomb blast."

Immediately, Magnus tightened his fist, all kinds of reasons, scenarios and people started appearing in his mind. He started thinking about every single person that may have a reason to hurt his family, and from the past record, he was coming to a conclusion that would not result in anything polite from his side. Some people must die this time. Who would it be was the only question left.

"Please take me there now, professor. QUICKLY!." He requested.

"Hold my arm, you two come as well." Dumbledore signalled Ragnar and Severus. He knew that these two would be needed to keep Magnus calm if something tragic was to happen.


[A/N: Any guesses on who the attacker is? The one who guesses correctly will get praised in Discord server and get the Oracle role.]


[Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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