
Chapter 189 - Merciless Storm Peak

"The Merciless Storm Peak? What sort of place is it?"

Ming Yue had never heard of such a place but with a name like that, it was certainly not a safe place.

Elder Hua placed the book down on her table as she turned towards Ming Yue.

"The Merciless Storm Peak is one of the five "Continent Marks". It is called such because these places are marked on every map there is as a warning to never enter. They are dangerous places that kill almost everyone that dare to come but people still go without hesitation. As dangerous as they were, the reward was just as good."

"Continent Marks? What are the other four?" Ming Yue had never heard of these places before. Having come from a small village, her knowledge of the Human Continent was lacking.

The elder walked behind her desk, pulling out one of the drawers and grabbing a map. She unfurled it and handed the map to Ming Yue.

"This is the most recent edition of the map", she said.

It was extremely detailed, every kingdom, city, landmark was drawn with detail. Clear black lines, marked the borders of each domain, the land and the water were drawn with intricacy. Every tree was different, there were bodies of water, towns, and much more. Ming Yue located the Red Lotus Country south of the continent, a rather bland drawing of a kingdom with little unique aspects. Above that was where Rong Lu City was, a great mountain riddles with small houses and quirky buildings. farther north was Clear Spring Mountain, drawn with the main halls near the peak. Above that, towards the center of the continent was Heaven\'s Gate, depicted by many towers grouped together, connected by bridges.

Opposite to these black lines were very distinct red ones, a shade of red similar to blood. These were the Continent Marks and there were five, all spread across the map.

Srudying each of them, Ming Yue found these five places to be vastly different but with ominous names.

There was the Merciless Storm Peak, a lone mountain surrounded by the images of dark clouds.

The River of the Yellow Springs, a strange river that winded down but seemed unfinished, as if the river led to another plane.

The Scorching Drylands, characterized with cracked ground and having not one but two great suns.

The Ivory Forest, thick with trees but there were bones drawn all around it. If that was not enought, Ming Yue saw that some of the trees seemed to be made of bones.

The fifth mark was perhaps the strangest and most perilous. There was nothing there but a large red circle covering barren land. At the center of it was a tower, on that was taller than anything else on the map, so much so that clouds covered part of it. As for the name, it was known simply as the "High Tower".

Elder Hua gave Ming Yue a few minutes to look through the map before pointing at the Merciless Storm Peak, which was far to the east and close to the Darkwater Kingdom, one of the SIx Great Kingdoms.

"The Merciless Storm Peak is by far the deadliest of the five marks. Only those with unwavering determination and can endure the worst of pain could enter. Constant lightning, harsh winds, and cold rain is what you will experience but these are no ordinary elements. It is said that all of these things have gained the divinity of the heavens, a sense of their own. Lightning will chase you down, the wind and rain will seep into your skin, causing damage to your organs. The suffering is so great that some sects have used the peak as an execution ground."

She looked at Ming Yue with a serious and concerned expression.

"I know what you\'re thinking Ming Yue, but it is not worth it for Merciless Storm Peak. At your speed, it will take two months to reach there by foot and another two months to return in time for the tournament. That leaves you only three months which is not enough to gather the materials. You should opt for the Immortal Enchantress Pill instead. Unless, you are cultivating the Lightning Dao, the Thunderous Fairy Pill is not suitable."

Despite the advice, the elder could see that Ming Yue was set on this pill recipe and saved her breath. Of course, she did not know that this pill was extremely suitable for Ming Yue\'s needs.

The Thunderous Fairy Pill was much stronger than its counterparts, containing the beautification effects of the Immortal Siren Flower and the lightning energy from a Lightning Dao Root. Not only would it have a drastic effect with her cultivation but also her accumulations with the Lightning Dao. Furthermore, she already had two of the five items needed.

"Thank you for the warnings, but I have decided to go", Ming Yue rolled the map and handed it back to Elder Hua.

The elder pushed the map back to her.

"Keep it, I have plenty. I just hope that you know what you are doing."

Ming Yue bowed and left the Medicinal Hall. Knowing that the Merciless Storm Peak was near the Darkwater Kingdom, she went to the Soul Hall to find Elder Shen, a member of that kingdom. Walking there, Xue Yue\'s voice suddenly perked up.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea? You\'ve increased your cultivation just days ago. You need time to solidify it and to familiarize yourself with your strength."

Ming Yue was quiet as she moved through the hallways but her mind was turbulent. She was calculating the needed to do everything, weighing the benefits of her options. Elder Xiang\'s words about how to spend the next few months were vague. He had bascially told her that what she does now is up to her.

"I have seven months, four of which will be spent travelling. I could spend that time focusing on my cultivation", Ming Yue felt that this was the right move, dismissing Xue Yue\'s remarks.

"That is true, but you should think about this carefully."

"When did you care so much? Aren\'t you always talking about killing and murder?"

"Yeah, and if you die, I die. I\'d rather that not happen. Besides, if you want to survive, you have to kill, no?"

Ming Yue kept quiet and continued on her way. Still, it felt as if Xue Yue was smirking at her, having won this little conversation.

Walking into the ethereal gates, she found herself standing over the waters where a simple island sat a short distance away. Of course, this was a simple illusion but an effective one as it gave off a calm aura. It was enough to quell the turbulent thoughts in her mind.

As she began to stroll through, Elder Shen\'s aged voice filled the illusion.

"Ah, you\'re back. How was visiting the other Elders? You seem quite troubled."

The small island was suddenly much closer to her, just a few steps away.

"I need your advice, Elder."

Ming Yue entered the quaint house, finding the Elder relaxed and sitting on a cushioned chair. There was a book in his hands to which he read with great interest. Despite her entrance, he did not turn his head towards her.

"What do you need help with?"

"I\'ll be going to the Merciless Storm Peak-"

"There?! What on earth would you need to go to that wretched place?" the elder spoke abruptly.

He looked at Ming Yue not with concern but with disbelief.

"Do not go there, you are too young and weak to survive", he put down his book and spoke sternly.

In his mind, he could not understand why Ming Yue would want to go to such a place. The Merciless Storm Peak was where people are sent to die. Some were perhaps brave or crazy enough to enter, even fewer returned alive, much less unscathed.

Then Ming Yue relayed what had transpired in the Medicinal Hall, causing Elder Shen to furrow his brows.

Afterwards, he pointed out a rather glaring issue with her plan.

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