
Chapter 190 - An Overlooked Detail

"Isn\'t the dao root that you have is only a couple hundred years old, the pill recipe requires one that is at least a thousand years. I don\'t believe you can substitute it for a much younger one", he said.

Ming Yue was struck with surprise, how could she have overlooked such a detail! In her excitement, she had forgotten such a simple thing, the required age of each ingredient for the medicinal pill.

To her annoyance, Xue Yue\'s voice perked up, giggling at Ming Yue\'s forgetfulness.

If it was like this, it was not quite worth it to head to the peak anymore but then what should she do now?

Ming Yue had thought this plan would work however, this had changed it all. Now, she wasn\'t sure how exactly she would spend the seven months.

If she pushed forward and marched into the Merciless Storm Peak, it would take more time to gather the materials. On the other hand, she could follow Elder Xiang\'s advice, taking on missions for experiential training. She also had the option of just staying and entering into closed door training. She had many choices ut choosing the best one proved to be difficult.

As the gears in her mind spun, Elder Shen suddenly coughed to grab her attention.

"Going to the Storm Peak may not be the best idea but you can still go east", he said and continued without letting her ask what he meant.

"Rather, you can head to the Dark Water Kingdom instead. It\'s in the same direction and just a bit past the Merciless Storm Peak, only a few day\'s walk."

Ming Yue thought about his suggestion, it was certainly an option but even if she went, she would not know what to do once she arrived. She knew little of the mysterious kingdom, closed off tot he rest of the continent.

Elder Shen seemed to have read her thoughts for he began to explain his reasoning behind this.

"You have just passed through two very important stages of the Earth Realm and now you must pass the chasm that is the Perception Stage. As I have taught you before, things such as flight can be achieved once you have reached that stage. However, just doing breaking through is not enough to fly. Rather, you must become adjusted with viewing the world through its energy. You must understand the principles of how the world truly works. After reaching the perceptoon stage, you will gain the ability to directly affect the world around you but you must learn how it all works."

The elder stood up and waved his hand around. Like mist, the illusion dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the Soul Hall. As always, it was a messy place filled with an assortment of books, drawings, and more.

He walked around, looking for something as he continue to talk.

"What I\'ve taught you about soul energy and heart energy is only rudimentary, merely skimming the surface. While you can now delve deeper into such things, my tools here are not enough to truly show you. However, if it is the Dark Water Kingdom, I believe that you will learn much more."

Taking out a small but rather thick book, he flipped through a few pages before handing it over to Ming Yue.

"This is a manual regarding the study of energy, it had the crux of the Dark Water Kingdom\'s research and should be an interesting read for you as you travel there."

Ming Yue opened it and looked through. Despite its size, the manual was neatly written and organized. On the cover, it was simply named, "Profundities of Energy".

"Give me your arm", said the elder.

Bringing it out, he placed his hands on her forearm and closed his eyes. Ming Yue felt a strange energy enter her body but allowed it to run free. It was extremely faint and gathered at the point where the elder\'s hands were. Once he removed it, what remained was a black symbol on her forearm.

It resembled that of a fire though at its core, there was a black circle with three dots within it.

"This is my sigil, showing it at the gates of the kingdom should get you in and bring you to the Stellar Sky Foundation. That is where I spent much of my time before coming here. When you\'re there, find someone named "Ou Fenhuang", tell her that you are a student of the one named "Shen Zhong", she will do the rest."

Ming Yue examined the mark on her arm before she thanked him wholeheartedly, knowing that his help was more than enough.

"Alright then, make your preparations and set off quickly. You have much to do."

Elder Shen waved his hand once more, reforming the illusion and went back to reading his book. Though this time around, he had small smile as he read.

Ming Yue left quickly and went off to find her two pet companions. After close to an our of searching, she found them running around with the Bestial Elder in one of the larger training fields.

"Elder Zhou?" she called out.

"Ah, girl! Right on time! We were just about to watch some sparring matches. Care to watch with us? It\'s your two small friends against two of ours", the bestial elder turned around and spoke with a carefree tone, managing to convince her to stay and watch.

Joining the group of Beast Hall disciples, she sat on the soft grass and watched the fight in front of her. None of them really cared that she was here, there were often others who would come nd watch the outdoor spars of the Beast Hall\'s creatures.

At the center of the large training field, she saw both Hei Yue and Xiao Yin fighting together against another pair of beasts, a small red furred monkey and a auburn horse with a black horn. Both beasts, she was not familiar with.

The monkey rode on the horse\'s back, wielding a wooden staff. Spinning it around with ease, the pair ran circles around Hei Yue as the monkey\'s staff struck at the ground. Dust began to pick up, covering the fox\'s eyes. He did not move but the other two were already tightening the encirclement. His eyes tracked their bodies, waiting for an oppurtunity to strike.

Xiao Yin was already flying in the sky, looking at the situation below her.

"Who do you think will win?" asked Elder Zhou, he looked for her opinion with interest.

"I don\'t know, I\'m not familiar with these types of fights."

It was true, Ming Yue did not know who would win. Perhaps if it were a match against people, she might have some input but between beasts, she could only guess. The principles of fighting were different between cultivators and beasts, different actions and thoughts.

"Oh, well I think that your little friends will win. You\'d be surprised by how much that Bai Ying had taught them", Elder Zhou spoke confidently.

This had piqued her interest. What had they been up to when she was with Elder Xiang?

Her eyes returned to the fight, and watched as the monkey and horse pair closed in on Hei Yue. Enough dust had gathered that neither they nor Hei Yue could be seen, only their silhouettes. The black horned horse suddenly charged at the fox as the monkey leaped off of its back, aiming to land behind their victim. With staff in the monkey\'s hand, it spun faster and faster as the monkey gathered momentum. The horse had lowered their head, the sharp horn raced forward, aiming for Hei Yue\'s body.

A pincer attack!

It was a coordinated move that anyone would find difficulty breaking.. But such a thing would not happen so easily for as they made their move, so did Hei Yue and Xiao Yin.

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