
Chapter 306

The sword that Niel threw then changed trajectory and was once again headed towards Hektor’s head . Hektor seeing the incoming sword was about to swat it away with his hand but he was about to do that he noticed that he couldn’t move his hands . He finally noticed that both his hands were wrapped tightly with wires .

Lisa who saw what was happening to Hektor started firing at the incoming sword which knocked it away . While Lisa was firing at the sword she suddenly felt someone was behind her . She quickly ducked and saw that Niel who was on all fours had pounced at her like an animal .

Lisa then saw Niel point his gun at her, which made her roll to evade the bullets . After shooting and missing, Niel once again disappeared from sight . His movements were too fast and erratic to follow .

. . .

Hektor who was trying to remove the wires that bound his hands felt that his whole body was being squeezed . It was then he saw that his whole body was now actually being wrapped tightly by wires . He wasn’t even able to perceive when this happened . Still Hektor was able to quickly counter the move by tightening his muscles .

Niel who saw that he won’t be able to finish off Hektor by using his wires, charged forth . He pulled back the sword he threw using his wires, and was now about to pierce through Hektor’s heart with it; but the moment his blade hit Hektor’s black uniform Niel’s sword couldn’t fully pierce through it and instead the sword gifted to him by Lyner was only able lightly stab Hektor’s back .

It was not deep enough to cause too much damage, but the sword got stuck in Hektor’s muscles . Failing to kill Hektor using his sword, Niel tried to smash his knee onto the back of Hektor’s head, but was intercepted by Lisa who shot at Niel forcing him to back away .

Lisa then headed towards Hektor and stood back to back with him . Niel’s speed was too much for them to subdue him without harming him too much, which meant it was possible that they might accidentally kill him . It was not hard to hit him, even with his speed, the real problem was the accuracy of the shots would fall greatly . Since the beginning killing Niel accidentally wasn’t an option . They were here to capture him, and failure would result to them dying in the hands of Richter .

Hektor tightened his muscles and then expanded them breaking free from the wires . He then picked up the sword that was stuck on his back .

When Niel saw this he stopped moving, and tried to pull the sword back to him using his wires . Yet no matter how hard he pulled, Hektor just wouldn’t let go . Hektor then noticed the desperate look on Niel’s face . Hektor was able to quickly figure out that this sword was very important to Niel .

"Niel Rayheart, how about we make a deal . "

Hearing what Hektor said, Niel who was in a position that looked like a lion that was about to pounce simply glared at Hektor . Seeing that Niel wasn’t speaking Hektor continued to speak .

"If you come with us silently, I will give back your sword . If you don’t agree then I’ll break it into two . What do you say Niel, deal?"

Neil closed his eyes and sighed . He was overconfident and attacked poorly without knowing the full extent of the opponents abilities .

’I either surrender and get the sword back, but become a prisoner of the Shadow Mercenaries or I let sir Lyner’s sword break and continue the fight . The gun, the sword, and the gloves were the only things I have that was given by him as my master . . . ’

Seeing Niel was in deep contemplation Hektor and Lisa waited . They then saw a vicious smile show on Niel’s face . This smile was different from the fun and easygoing smile he was showing a while ago, this was the smile of a predator toward its prey .

’Of course if Sir Lyner was alive, he would have scolded me . A sword is nothing more than a tool, don’t you dare put any sentimental drivel in it . I’m sure that’s what he would say to me . Instead of keeping an object of him survive . . . How about I keep the joy of battle sir Lyner had, burn alive within me . ’

"NO Deal! Do what you wish with that sword . Break it, use it, do what the f*ck you want with it! In exchange I will be taking your lives, and offer it up to my teacher! I will send you two to where my teacher is, so that he can have some decent opponents in Valhalla!"

Hektor and Lisa were shocked at this very moment, since Niel’s whole demeanour suddenly changed . It was like he was someone else entirely, his whole vibe had changed . Even the way he talked became more rugged and unrefined . Still they had no time to stay shocked as Niel suddenly burst forward and attacked .

He no longer moved erratically, he changed tactics and did a frontal attack . Niel started shooting at hektor who dodged instead of deflecting the bullets . He did this because of the speed and the different vitals that were being targeted . It was like Niel shot six shots at the same time . As Hektor dodged to the right, Lisa dodged to the left and returned fire .

Niel used the wires to block some of the bullers, but unlike Lyner he was still an amateur in using the wires, making him unable to block most of it . So instead he forcefully dodged, but still got hit by some .

"Enough of this farce!" Hektor shouted while stomping on the ground, which made it shake a little . If Niel was standing using only his two legs he would’ve lost balance, but he was standing using his hands and legs so he was unaffected by this move .

Yet that was simply a distraction by Hektor, which gave Lisa the opening to throw a stun grenade in front of Niel . This disoriented Niel’s senses, and while disoriented Niel tried to quickly back away, but felt something hold onto his right leg .

Hektor was able to grab Niel’s right leg as he tried to jump back into a safe distance . Right now Niel was being dangled upside down by Hektor, who then saw Niel aiming his gun at him and started shooting . This forced Hektor to let go of Niel .

When Niel was about to escape from Hektor’s grip his gun was shot out of his hands . He then felt a massive force hit his head . Hektor actually kicked Niel as he was falling down headfirst . The kick was so strong that it felt like Niel’s head was about to be ripped off, as Niel’s body flew a few feet away .

Still that wasn’t enough to put Niel down, as he was about to stand up he felt something pricked him . After that he could no longer move and lost consciousness .

Lisa was finally able to get a clear shot and used a tranquilizer gun . Hektor seeing Niel finally fainting sighed in relief .

"That was harder than anticipated . . . Well then mission accomplished let’s head back to HQ . " Hektor picked up Niel and carried him like a sack . With that target at hand, Lisa and Hektor headed back to HQ .

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