
Chapter 307

At first the Mercenary System was only used by those that had no countries those who no other choice, but later on people of other countries implemented the system into their own countries . The reason they implemented the system into their countries was because most of them were unable to become knights or soldiers, since those jobs were only allowed to the upper class, or sometimes to those of the middle class . The lower class citizens had no way of gaining such jobs, so in the end they implemented the Mercenary system, and created mercenaries within their very own countries .

Now that each country had mercenaries, the idea that mercenaries being free from nationalities could no longer hold true . This was the reason for the implementation of a new ranking system . Now that not all mercenaries were of the same organization, the ranking system that use to gauge the ability of each individual merc, was changed to gauge their threat level .

This was made since the opponent of a merc, would most likely be another merc . They changed the ranking system so that the organization could send out the most appropriate merc to face off against the enemy country’s merc . Of course this forced the soldier class to implement their very own ranking system .

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In current times the ranking system has evolved and turned into the combination of both its past and current self . It is now use to gauge not only the ability of a merc in combat, but as well as the merc’s overall threat level .

The one who usually assigns the rank of a merc, is an enemy nation, or if there is no enemy nation, then a neutral nation would assign the rank . The way they assign rank is after gathering intel on the merc, and looking at the missions the merc has finished . Once they are done deliberating the rank is given .

The rankings are as follows:

E rank: The beginning rank of every merc (there might be some exceptions) .

D rank: Given to mercenaries that have accomplished at least ten missions .

C rank: The rank given to slightly competent individuals .

B rank: The rank that is given to those that have truly become mercenaries . This rank is a symbol,

it is a sign that the mercenary is no longer a babe of the battlefield, but a true citizen of

the battlefield .

A rank: The rank that separates the average, from the elite . Mercenaries in this rank are people

that could change the course of a battle . When a mercenary receives this rank he/she

becomes a part of other countries watchlist .

S rank: This is the rank of people that have achieved the peak of human abilities . The only way to

acquire this rank is if you have achieved two superhuman feats . The people of this rank are

usually people that have become human weapons .

SS rank: This is a special rank made for the people that have gone beyond what it means to be

human . This rank is filled with superhuman individuals that have devastating power . A

strength so powerful that they are usually liken to nuclear weaponry . There have only

been eighteen people in all of history that have been given this rank .

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